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Spud’s leaving Twitter

My assumptionb is that blocking no longer works. People he has blocked – 20k or whatever – can now see his tweets, copy them then post that screenshot and thereby make fun. In public. This is not something such a refined ego can put up with. Therefore he’s off.

Prove I’m wrong.

27 thoughts on “Spud’s leaving Twitter”

  1. Martin Near The M25

    You could be right. There was also a mass migration of leftie idiots from Twitter to Bluesky because Musk is the devil or something. Could be part of that, though he’s late to the party if so.

  2. He’ll probably join Bluesky. I’ll need to get an account to copy his stuff elsewhere.

    *Can’t stop the signal, Mal*

  3. The latest change that made waves was a couple months ago?

    He could still block people from commenting , but “blocked” people were no longer unable to see and retweet his exhortations and comments section.

    Took him long enough to figure that one out, really..

    So yeah… probably BlueSky.
    Could even be he’ll have to use a “private” node before long, because I cannot imagine him getting along with the Admins of any of the available nodes before long, given his proven track record of “getting along with people” .

  4. For me it proves whose side he is on in the Grooming gangs saga of course. As Grikath points out presumably he’ll need to block any opponents that also migrate over. From my brief foray on there BlueSky is shockingly bad. I have no doubt he will return to Twitter in fairly short order. Whatever happened to ‘Non Pasaran’

  5. “Whatever happened to ‘Non Pasaran’
    Put the t-shirt in the wash & the dye ran into his underpants.

  6. BiS

    Your idea of getting some kind of Secret Service style vehicle and pretending to have his house under surveillance is becoming more and more appealing. What a tool!

  7. “ pretending to have his house under surveillance”

    That would inflate his ego even further. I can’t even be bothered to find his shit on YouTube to abuse him.

  8. Fun facts about Bluesky, the worse version of Twitter for people who hate African Man:

    At least half the userbase is being blocked by at least one account, and the most popular feature on the site is blocklists, because the incredibly thin skinned userbase doesn’t want to risk seeing different opinions on any topic. (It’s meant to be SOCIAL MEDIA btw)

    They’re so insane, mild,-mannered left wing Democrat journalist Jesse Singal – a writer for the NYT, the Atlantic, and other mainstream Left publications – is the most blocked person on the site. Not only that, but over Christmas thousands of Bluesky trannies were bombarding the site with his home address and were openly inciting somebody to go and murder him. (Bluesky’s moderation team did nothing about this,)

    Every single day, until they got bored because Jesse didn’t back down, they were posting the most vile antisemitic shit I’ve ever seen (and I’ve seen Gab). It was worse than Der Sturmer.

    This is the “nice” alternative to Twitter.

  9. Bloke in North Dorset

    This is the “nice” alternative to Twitter.

    The only thing that unites the left is the right wing Nazi bogey man, absent that they go in for civil war with relish. That joke about 3 left wing groups going in to a meeting to discuss uniting and 5 groups coming out didn’t come out of nowhere. Its also why Labour has to “hate” the Tories (now add Reform), it stops them collapsing in to internecine warfare.

  10. @Steve

    “Social media” is just another piece of evidence that “social” when put in front of a noun means “not.”

    Social Media
    Social Security
    Social Justice
    Social Democracy
    Social Enterprise

  11. From ClearSky (a site that analyses Bluesky): Spud has been on Bluesky since October 2023. That was back when invitations were needed. He’s got 31.7k followers there, as opposed to 237k on Twitter/X.

    Amazingly he’s only blocked a couple of people, and they were both 11 days ago. No idea why of course, bsky doesn’t show that.

  12. BiND – Splitters. As David Thompson of David Thompson’s blog memorably asked: what comes first – the obnoxious politics or the obnoxious personalities?

    I reckon it’s the latter, and that a lot of modern leftism is just mental illness, or antisocial personality disorders, writ in the pages of the Guardian. It was always like this (see Orwell’s amusing descriptions of the then-contemporary British Left), but there’s a lot more emotionally dysregulated people as a percentage of the population now.

    When I was growing up, the stiff upper lip wasn’t a joke. It was just what we expected from grown ups.

    Matt – Spot on.

  13. Hmmm yeah… The Community Notes would be another nail in Spud’s coffin…

    It allows anyone to “fact check” anything on X, without the poster being able to block or stop people from doing so.
    Imagine Spud staying at a place where he cannot control the inevitable criticisms on his posts… Especially the ones that are actually, y’know…, valid and informed… And expose him as the obnoxious peabrain grifter he is …

  14. Bloke on North Dorset

    Talking of community notes, one of the best social media innovations of recent times, I see Zuckerberg is going down that route and sacking his biased fact checkers. Usual suspects not happy that they’ll have their cosy echo chambers disrupted.

  15. Bloke on North Dorset


    Yeah, obnoxious self-righteous people attracted to lefty causes, probably because that’s where most social power has resided for the past 50 years or so.

  16. BiND; and the source code is on GitHub. Of course, the screaming and whining about all the sackings following Musk’s acquisition were around the Mods. When the project would have been called Birdwatch.

    (btw, good news).

  17. The “fact-checkers” being sacked by Facebook.

    Pretty sure that employing them was part of a quid pro quo with the Biden administration / DNC. Political cover plus cushy non-jobs for their useless offspring and hangers-on. But change of emperor, change of court…

  18. In the past every time there’s been assertions that monitoring/fact checking/verification/etc will be put in place “to think of the children!!!!”/”protect demmokrasee!!” or similar, I have *NEVER* seen the required job vacancies advertised.

  19. I sneeze in threes

    Does this mean Spud’s twitter handle is up for grabs. Maybe Murphy Richards can take it on?

  20. He’s not leaving twitter at all, just no longer posting
    The links from the spudblog remain, still promotes sharing his content on twitter, and still paying for that blue tick.

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