Scientists prize neutrality – that doesn’t cut it any more. In 2025, they must fully back the climate movement
Bill McGuire and Roger Hallam
All 9 million scientists on the planet must propagandise, full time, about climate change.
And, you know, no. But extremists, eh?
Something must happen when you become stinking rich. You think your words are all that count and what you do doesn’t matter, So you just need to say 0.04% CO2 in the atmosphere will burn the planet up but you can still carry on producing it, it’s everyone else that has to obey you. Well, that explains Bill Gates and Barry O, Hallam is just a nutter jumping on the far climate bandwagon….
So, are they going to fully back the proposal that, to further fund climate action, all resourcing for research and higher education teaching that does not directly speak to this agenda be reallocated away from the University sector?
Scientists prize the scientific method – that should remain today. In 2025, they must fully question the climate movement. – FIFY
If it’s not neutral, by definition, it’s not science, and the people doing it are, by definition, not scientists.
“Scientists prize neutrality – that doesn’t cut it any more”.
Ditto Al Beeb, the news / opinion source for a large section of the population, who gave up any semblance of neutrality regarding climate ‘science’ during 28Gate.
“ Scientists prize neutrality – that doesn’t cut it any more. In 2025, they must fully back the climate movement…”
That’s religion – those who do not bow down and worship the god are heretic and anathema and must be excommunicated, burnt at the stake.
How far the progressives have come.
Something, something the call from the Church to all members of the Royal Society to denounce that bloke Darwin, because he flouted what was demonstrably written in the Bible, and the Bible was Truth..
Funny how that worked out….
Just curious, the 2 blokes who authored this bit, are they scientists? If so, what area (political science, like John Kerry)?
To be humane, we must ever be ready to pronounce that wise, ingenious and modest statement ‘I do not know’.
Nonetheless, it moves.
In the sciences, the authority of thousands of opinions is not worth as much as one tiny spark of reason in an individual man.
Meanwhile, according to the DT we only have about a week’s worth of gas reserves left. The still, cold snap is doing its job and about time too but the forecast is for it to pass by next week. Can it bring down Net Zero or will the Ruling Class get away with it yet again, as they seemed to after the Summer Riots? Perhaps Rachel from complaints crashing the economy might help.
– Scientists prize neutrality . . .
Scientists prize grants and other funding. There will be no quicker way to a scientifically neutral stance on the climate issue than cutting the money.
Unt if it does not vurk vee use gas, ja?
source :
No doubt 2024 is roughly the same.
Note that this is *storage* , not reserves that may or may not need transporting/processing first..
First thing that comes to *my* mind is…. “What idiot thought it a Good Idea to keep the running storage that low?!!”
30 days gives you at least time to offer top dollar and divert a fleet of LNG tankers your way, should things go …North Pole. And time to pray…
12 days? That’s beyond even the most fevered JIT dreams I’ve had the unpleasure to witness..
Ah well… At least now there’s a solid cause for the lynch mob…
They’re hooked on media and still can’t get over the success they had in wrecking nuclear power through media alone.
In finances it’s standard to aim for three months’ reserves of income. After a wobbly bit through Covid we’ve got our Parish Council moving back towards there. Anybody deliberately running with 1/12th of a reserve is mad.