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This is terrific

Migrants from cultures with “medieval attitudes to women” should be blocked from coming to Britain, the Tories have said amid the ongoing row over child grooming gangs.

Robert Jenrick, the shadow justice secretary, said some of those who had migrated to the UK in recent years had “backward, frankly medieval attitudes to women” – and that “we have to be very careful about who is coming into this country”.

His remarks were supported by Kemi Badenoch, the Tory leader, who has previously said that all cultures are not “equally valid”.

Great. OK. So what about asylum seekers? Who might well be coming here in order to escape medieval attitudes…..and, under the law as it stands, have a right to asylum for precisely that reason. Heck, how about some proudly bourgeois Afghan family just trying to escape the Taleban? Escape by migration, not asylum?

This is not to say the goal ain’t great – it’s to point out that it’s not that simple.

45 thoughts on “This is terrific”

  1. “migrated to the UK in recent years since WW2″. Now that’s nearer the truth isn’t it.

    Ah, “asylum seekers”. Anyone who comes to the UK outside of the official channels is a migrant, pure and simple.

    An American: ” There are people who want to come here. They are violent, criminal, drug dealers, gang members. We don’t want them.
    There are people who want to come here. They are decent, law abiding, hard working.
    We don’t want them either”.

  2. Jonathan has it.

    A three year ban on all migration until we sort out our shit.
    Immediate deportation for any who try it.

  3. Is there still some legislation guaranteeing entry and settled status to everyone from the former Commonwealth?

    If so nuke it now.

  4. “…it’s not that simple.”

    He’s not in government any more. Why didn’t he (and the other Tories) carry out the “simple” plan when they had the chance.

  5. When should we stop importing poor people of any ethnicity? When we run out of our own.

    However I don’t take seriously any tory attempt to get on the right side of this. Or the idea that they could under any circumstances get the Home Office or the folks who dole out visas to do anything.

  6. Ha ha ha.

    Those of us who have worked in the sandier places around the globe have been saying for a very long time that the locals were generally incompatible with us. To be strictly fair, so would 13th century Crusaders, or 16th century pilgrims.

    Where were the Tories for the last thirty plus years? They’ve been in or around power for most of the last fifteen, during which time the whole thing has only accelerated, and that after 7/7 and various stabbings, vehicle attacks and attempted bombings.

    A friend of mine who was up at Kajaki during the most recent Afghan nonsense tells a fascinating story of a local farmer who brought his daughter up the hill to the FOB one day.

    The poor kid had been shot – ostensibly during a firefight. Our policy then was to hand over $200 for a flesh wound, so the farmer got the $ and went back down the hill.

    A week later, he came back up with the same kid and a different wound. $200 more, though the wound looked like it was 7.62 rather than 5.56.

    He was arrested the third time.

    Life is cheap when you genuinely believe in the afterlife.

  7. Referring to “asylum seekers” and “refugees” is like talking about Lollards or Suffragettes. These are historical labels that cannot be applied to existing people because the historical circumstances that produced them have long gone. People seeking asylum were besuited Africans who came via BOAC to ask a few favours of Oxbridge chums because the alternative was their whole family being eaten in their home country; or Latin American generals who were thought of as an asset to our country. Nobody expected to apply the same terms in an age of mass travel.

    Clearly, these people are economic migrants who we simply do not need. They are seeking refuge from poverty, in the same way that a rapist is seeking refuge from inceldom or the drunk kid who walks over your parked car is fleeing suburban boredom.

    Close the border, establishing at the same time a way of allowing in the tiny number whose work is so immediately vital that we cannot wait for our own to be trained. Deport every illegal entrant. Deport every migrant criminal, no matter when they turned up – maybe give them a “3 strikes and you’re out” type of agreement. If they can’t be deported, offer generous inducements to go elsewhere. Withdraw every benefit. If they refuse to say where they are from, house them in very basic and boring conditions until their memory clears, or until they feel ready to attempt an assault on some other border. Do all this very publicly.

    It wouldn’t take long.

  8. Take those claiming International Protection from persecution in France, that being the country they have come from, and transport them to West Falkland.
    It’s the same latitude as London, the language is English and they are wanted by their neighbours in Argentina. Lots of upside. But as the excellent FrankH and others have said, the Tories had every chance to fix this and to stop cousin marriage too.

  9. Possibly in England there may be some people coming direct from Africa.

    I live in Canada. How can asylum seekers possibly come here without transiting a safe country first? Let alone in the enormous quantities that they are.

    No. They are not asylum seekers.

  10. “frankly medieval attitudes to women”

    Oi, I’ll have you know that the Old Scots Parliament had women members. So your objection, Jenrick old fruit, is to English attitudes of 1707. And not to all English attitudes since in some English constituencies some women had the vote. So really your objection is to barbarism not to our own few centuries past.

  11. Seems like it wouldn’t be difficult to do from a practical perspective, just politically.

    I assume a very small number of “asylum seekers” reach England without having passed through at least one safe country – send them back.

    Supposedly Sweden has started to reverse its immigrant levels by stopping the inflow, promptly deporting those who commit crimes & cutting off benefits to those already there.

    I don’t think the Tories should be given a free pass on allowing this BS to go on, but if they had gotten tough (i.e., sensible) on immigration they would have been excoriated by the media as heartless, racist & cruel. Now that the public is righteously pissed about this, perhaps they will do the right thing because they can (and must)?

  12. Many years ago, I write to the then Home Secretary, suggesting that, as the small boat invaders (I used a more gentle term), tended to destroy their identity papers mid Channel, on seeing an RNLI or Border Force boat in order to prevent national identity, would it not be productive to take a DNA sample and photograph and fingerprint the arrivals? The reply was fairly dismissive, quoting several human right, and national, laws. Strangely enough, the letter was signed by someone with a name not uncommon in the Indian sub continent.
    If the enemy is hidden within, a solution can be more difficult to find.

  13. Interested – Life is cheap when you genuinely believe in the afterlife.

    Not for me, it isn’t. And not for our Lord, Jesus. The world is a bad place, a sad place, a terrible place to live.

    But I don’t wanna die.

    Remember, the afterlife includes Hell. Idk why anyone who isn’t a saint assumes they’re going to Heaven.

  14. However, to be fair I can’t speak for people who worship sand devils and pedophilic Dark Ages camel thieves.

  15. @Steve

    The world is a bad place, a sad place, a terrible place to live.

    Despair is a sin, Steve. Pedantry I’m unclear on – but for the avoidance of doubt, I was talking about believers in any afterlife who truly believe that they are doing whatever their god requires to get them to their version of heaven.

  16. I think our repeatedly-shot daughter also illustrates the value ascribed to females – especially unmarried females (he didn’t shoot his wife: who’d do all the domestic shit?) – by “traditional” Afghans. Then again, repeatedly shooting your daughter for money is rather close to pimping, isn’t it?

  17. Interested – Despair is a mortal sin, but realism is not.

    Satan is the prince of this world (John 12:31)

    Nota Benny, for despair to be a sin, it must be voluntary (the mens rea) and complete abandonment (actus reus) of all hope. It does not mean that poor fuckers who are depressed or mentally ill go to Hell, although we might for our actual sins.

    Disclaimer: I’m not much of a theologist, I’d have been happy to be a simple crusader with a coat of arms including lyons or pards.

  18. I think there’s something needs to be accepted. With immigration, any immigration, you’re always likely to get a high proportion of criminals & misfits. They have far less invested in where they came from. They couldn’t prosper there. That’s why they left. They are not going to obey your laws because they didn’t obey the laws where they came from. They’re even more adaptable to the places they go to because they don’t care about your society.
    And this has been true of every wave of immigration. Where did we transport our criminals to? The Americas & Australia. Irish emigration brought a lot of Irish n’er do wells to Britain & the States. Italian emigration brought the Mafia to New York. And they embed themselves smoothly in the immigrant communities because customs & language are always stronger than anything else. It’s true where I live. They don’t call this the Costa del Crime for nothing.

  19. They shouldn’t even be having benefits in the *first* place, that’s a benefit of CITIZENSHIP. WTF should somebody jump through all the hoops to become a citizen and the rights and benefits of being a citizen, if you get given them like sweeties in return for you breaking and entering?

    The refugees and asylum seekers in the past never got a copper penny from the government, they made their own arrangements, and used their own support networks, as any person with sufficient nous to upheave themselves to another country would.

  20. The problem is immigrants coming to the UK (or other Western countries) to avoid the consequences that medievalist/backwards culture has on their home countries, only then to decide that they can’t move on from the medievalism/backwardness and want their new home to regress to what they came from.

  21. They can find asylum/migrate elsewhere. To one of those ‘enlightened’ countries that believe they will ‘culturally enrich’ them – like France. You’re not getting to the UK without going through mainland Europe. Germany, France, Italy, etc – they’re all glad to have Algerians camped out in the streets.

    And you left the EU so you could make your own policies on this. So stop being bleeding hearts. Its not your fault that their countries suck and its not your problem.

  22. If we refused asylum seekers from France the French would cut off supply through the interconnectors and we’d get frequent power cuts.
    So it’s Belgium then. We founded it (1830) we went to war twice over it, so we own it.

  23. For all those who are trying to escape bad to genocidal governments or societies in their own countries, ultimately the solution is in their own hands in their own lands, not ours, or the US in its world policeman role. As mentioned above, sheltering a few asylum seekers, especially if they have the stones and the contacts to effect change back home, may be justifiable but not the deluge of random seekers after a better life that we have now.

  24. Stop all bennies, replace them with a free flight home or to the Third World country of their choice.

    DNA and biometric data on file to deny them entry if they try their luck here again.


  25. Philip – power cuts would do significantly less damage to Britain than foreign migration does.

    I will happily eat cold baked beans if that’s the choice.

  26. Both Bobby J and Kemi can get in the sea, disingenuous shysters that they are. They are throwing out clickbait and it’s even less genuine than Lord Pigfucker’s pledge to get the numbers down to ‘tens of thousands’(remember that?)

  27. Marius – it gets worse when you remember Jenrick was Minister of State for Immigration under the Long Con government.

    Obviously his newfound concern for women didn’t occur to him in 2023.

  28. Bloke on North Dorset

    “ And you left the EU so you could make your own policies on this. So stop being bleeding hearts. It’s not your fault that their countries suck and it’s not your problem.”

    We did but the political elite didn’t get the message and now we have a government that is stuffed full of rejoinders and the civil service is loving it.

    What concerns me is they are all so desperate to be liked by the EU they’ll take any deals on offer.

  29. @ Tim
    The linked article reports Jenrick as saying “…from alien cultures, who possess mediaeval attitudes to women” not ” …..which possess mediaeval …”
    So Jenrick is *not* rejecting those fleeing from such mediaeval attitudes but only those wishing to bring such attitudes with them.

  30. Simon Neale,

    “People seeking asylum were besuited Africans who came via BOAC to ask a few favours of Oxbridge chums because the alternative was their whole family being eaten in their home country; or Latin American generals who were thought of as an asset to our country. Nobody expected to apply the same terms in an age of mass travel.”

    As I often say, this stuff worked in the 1940s. High cost of travel, jobs to go to. You could say “any refugee can come here” but you weren’t going to get the chavs who couldn’t afford to come.

    I’m pretty sure this is why there’s this thing about the Jews being brilliant. The ones that got out of Germany in the pre-war era were the people who could afford a ticket, knew they had skills, maybe even had a job at the other end. Like things got a bit troublesome for Fermi because of his Jewish wife and well, there were plenty of universities in the USA who wanted a Nobel Prize winner.

    When you can get a flight with Wizz Air from Tirana to London for £60, any Tom Dick and bloke with a surname ending in U can come here.

  31. @ jgh
    Asylum seekers who have come to Britain by legal routes, as well as illegal immigrants claiming asylum, are forbidden to earn money by working and, under Gordon Brown, got benefits at only half the rate for British Citizens until they have been granted asylum and leave to remain. Cameron improved the half-rate by a bit but not to the level deemed “adequate” for those on UC (sorry – I can’t remember how much). Benefits at full rate applies to everyone who pays NI for long enough whether a citizen or not (it is, after all, *called* “National Insurance”).

  32. BiS – do you have a Winchester model 1866 above the bar and a jukebox that plays Air Supply?
    Very funny Steve. My knowledge comes from actual experience with the UK’s immigrant communities. You want anything difficult to obtain, don’t ask a Brit. They’re useless know nothings. Gain the confidence of & ask around in the immigrant communities & you’ll get a goto to almost anything you want. Why would I want an antique rifle when factory fresh AK74s are changing hands for a monkey a piece, delivered?

  33. It’s an AK74*, it makes a very distinctive sound when fired at us, sir!

    *ok, i know the line wasn’t that exact model…

  34. BiS – I’d take the Winchester over any Russian or Chinese stamped metal crap. Beautiful rifles. Anyway, the joke is from Shaun of the Dead.

    BTW a small amusement, Los Angeles is burning down, and their highly flammable Eucalyptus trees aren’t helping the situation. Quoth an article about the trees:

    But again and again, we’ve seen just how devastating introducing a foreign organism can be, whether it was on purpose or inadvertent

    You don’t say.

  35. Must admit I feel not allowing the illegals to work is pretty dumb.

    They should be told, ‘Work or starve’.

    And of course the foreign aid budget could be entirely allocated to bribing their countries of origin (or anywhere else!!) into taking them off your hands.

  36. Anyway, the joke is from Shaun of the Dead.
    Coincidentally, that was filmed round the corner from where I used to live. I used to shop in the minimarket. I’ve never quite worked out where the besieged pub is. There’s several contenders. I think they probably combined shots of two or three different pubs. Shame they never managed to work Crouch End port & its herring fleet into it.

  37. @ Boganboy
    It is intended as a deterrent to “economic migrants” who can earn more in the UK than at home.
    BUT it assumes that illegal immigrants will choose to obey that regulation and suffer poverty worse than UK residents on the dole/UC rather than work in the “black economy”.
    I am occasionally accused of naivete but I’m not that naive.
    There is also the problem that law-abiding genuine asylum-seekers are left penniless (since there is no way they can save for a rainy day on a fraction of JSA/UC) when incompetence at the DHSS sends their payment to the wrong address or forgets altogether.
    If Robert Jenrick or David Lammy *really* wanted to stop the boats they would run a publicity campaign in Iraq, Iran, Syria, Vietnam, Afghanistan etc. about how badly DHSS treat legal asylum-seekers. No way do I want to help or encourage criminals but sanctions that only (or mostly) hurt the law-abiding are not just wrong but evil.

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