Agatha has been published!
Remember the vitriol penned agony aunt from CT? Well one of our donors has had her published. We’ve got 100 copies to get rid of.
£10 gets paperback copy. Numbered of-course.
You can get it here
Reason Not to use PayPal v.56930
- Two months ago we were told that we could no longer access our PayPal account as they seemed our content to be extreme and they did not like our politics. We moved to Stripe for all donors. Yesterday the re-enabled our account only for it or be banned again a few hours later citing that our content is “extreme”. We hope you agree that our views are in no way “right-wing extreme” and that we so not condone any right or left wing extremism (Centrists need not worry!)
With this is mind we will no longer be able to accept PayPal for donations or for the purchase of literature.
This is once again the big guys weighing down against the unpopular (but nonetheless true) opinion.
We still need your help more than ever.
From the outset we’ve scrutinised the ever-changing rules and regulations and numbers to and allow people to understand them and why they are wrong. By contributing, you will be helping fund our sites and the coming together of thousands of other people around the country who believe in defending our rights and making Britain fairer for all. Big corporate or small, we’re in this together.
Enjoy- Tim & The Team
Anyone use CoinBase?
Been testing out coinbase and doing a few of their tutorials on Crypto.
The “lessons” are simple, three multiple choice answers and you can get them wrong as many times as you want (as i did). You get $10 for each of the lessons you complete which i assume comes from the marketing department of which ever crypto. Its available to both new and existing CB users. Crypto transfer is instant after you select the right answers. Easy money for an afternoon on the sofa.
Technical Notice
As you know, for the last few months (and more), this blog has been falling over like a particularly clumsy dipsomaniac on a bouncy castle. This was essentially because the server couldn’t take the weight of traffic; and, when the server fell over, it tended to corrupt and crash database tables.
Over the last 24 hours, we have completed the switch to a new hosting company, with burst-able resources, that should ensure that this blog stays firmly in the land of the living. In the course of this transfer, some comments may have been lost—we do hope that you’ll forgive this unavoidable problem.
Obviously there will be some fine-tuning to do—both from an aesthetics perspective, and a performance angle. If you do spot anything behaving weirdly, please leave a comment here and we’ll try to sort it out as soon as possible.
Thank you for your patience over the last day or so; and now—onwards and upwards!
Web Monkey to Mr Worstall