Some have argued the presence of teachers on OnlyFans underscores the financial pressures those in education face, with the average school teacher making $66,745 a year and 40% of all education professionals earning less than $25,000 every year.
The high school teachers – even the elementary ones – do pretty well. $66 k is only just a little under median US household income. Teachers have long been hired out of the lower drawers of the intellectual chest.
Getting into college is just the beginning. Your GPA will fall under scrutiny when you are ready to declare yourself as an education major. Education programs generally require a minimum GPA of 2.75. This can be lower or higher at your school, so ask your adviser for the minimum GPA requirement. In 2020, Columbia University Teacher College, required a minimum GPA of 3.0, as well as two letters of recommendation before they would accept an application
A GPA of 2.75 is not a major intellectual achievement at college. Nor, to be honest, is a 3.0.
So for those who do become school teachers the pay is really pretty good – and add vast pensions and health insurance etc on top, the short working year and so on. It’s really not a bad screw.
But of course there’s then that 40% of “educators” on less than $25k. They, weirdly, are the academically brighter but not bright enough. Those who didn’t do the teacher training classes. But instead did the Masters, even the PhD. But then didn’t get to become professors with tenure. Instead they’re floating around those hallowed college halls as adjuncts. Really, the only place where the vast mess of graduate overproduction can find any sort of work. Who else would hire a PhD in grievance studies? And even the colleges won’t hire as many as the colleges produce.
Which does lead to an interesting conclusion. The best thing America could do would be to close down 85% of their higher degree programs.
Go on, prove me wrong.