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Well, it’s a claim I suppose

I think in years to come the Cass Review, and the media’s complicity, will be viewed in much the same way as Andrew Wakefield’s infamous MMR scare and its promotion by Private Eye and UK newspapers. Unfortunately like Wakefield, it will continue to harm people until and long after it’s been fully discredited and its author a pariah.

There are others out there thinking that the gross error was in agreeing to chop the tits off teenage girls. But, you know, opinions….

Tried asking Mummy?

When is inconsolable crying a sign of something worse? Parents aren’t getting the advice they need
Rhiannon Lucy Cosslett

Or Granny?

One of the evolutionary arguments deployed as to why human (and whale, apparently) females survive past menopause is because their being the repository of this sort of wisdom increases child survival rates……

A patriarchalist explanation

In general, when we think about chaos and disorder, we don’t think about young women. We don’t particularly fear female muggers, or expect them to explore new frontiers in vandalism. But when it comes to political activism, the female of the species can be flamboyantly disruptive indeed.

Just look at the chaos surrounding Just Stop Oil, with its apparent habit of spraying orange substances over almost everything in its sight.

A striking number of those filmed committing these actions seem to be young ladies from middle-class backgrounds; not at all the sort we would usually expect to indulge in a spot of politically motivated disruption.

It’s the delay in primagravidae.

Used to be the average bird was knocked up or lactating by 21. Now it’s 30 and rising. Which gives them that free decade to wibble about nonsenses. They should be having the time of their lives shrieking at esach other over whose baby is bonnier. Instead those covens turn to climate and socialism.

Men of Britain, get on with it, do your duty.

My theory

The enduring mystery of why women outlive men may come down to the smallest and the largest cells in the body: the sperm and eggs that are central to human reproduction.

Scientists in Japan have shown for the first time in vertebrates that cells that develop into eggs in females and sperm in males drive sex differences in lifespan, and that removing the cells leads to animals with the same life expectancy.

Don’t think fish work for mammals. Because in mammals it’s the pregnancy itself which is the difficult bit – not something that affects fish.

Of course I say this from that glorious position of knowing fuck all about the subject.

With humans I do have a theory though. To survive pregnancy and birth you’ve got to be a pretty tough little human. If you can do that then you’re likely to survive longer than those with a body built to not have to do that. Historically the average outcome was probably shorter female lives – those lost to childbirth exceeded the extra years of life from those who survived it. I think. Now we’ve drastically reduced the deaths in childbirth and so the innate toughness gains its expression.

Again, this is from a position of invincible ignorance of the details but it’s my theory and I like it.

Young people today, eh?

You wouldn’t believe how difficult it is to buy sperm

It’s easier than ever for single women to have children on their own … or so I thought. Then began my $17,000 journey

Why not, you know, take a donation?

Still, I didn’t feel pressure to choose a partner or settle. Rather, I felt lucky to live at this moment in time, when it seemed easier than ever to have a child on my own. I just had to figure out how that actually worked.

My search returned ads for California Cryobank, Seattle Sperm Bank and Fairfax Cryobank. I clicked on the links and found the “donor search” buttons. Pictures of the donors as adorable kids showed up on my screen, along with a few search criteria.

I had no idea what I was looking for, but after an hour of scrolling, I started to think dating was the real gamble. Buying sperm meant I could sort for qualities I’d feel rude asking about on dates – genetics, mental and family health, engineering skills.

Buying sperm seemed so straightforward. Vials cost $1,200 to $2,500 each. Seattle Sperm Bank offered free audio recordings of donors. Fairfax Cryobank offered interviews à la carte for $34. By the end of the week, I was spending more time skimming donor profiles than dating apps, my mind racing with all the things I’d need to consider.

Come off the pill, put on some lippy and flaunt it about a bit?

Yes, yes, we get you want all those choices. To be in control. But that’s what’s costing you the $17,000 for what’s available for free at every dive bar.


Erm, yes?

Transgender men are suffering from “postmenopausal” problems like incontinence in their 20s because of taking testosterone, a study has revealed.

Experts analysed 68 transgender men who were taking the cross-sex hormone to change their identity from female to male and found that 95 per cent had developed pelvic floor dysfunction.

The participants, who were as young as 18 and had an average age of 28, had bladder and bowel symptoms that medics would expect to see in a woman after the menopause.

Experts said the impact of the sex-changing drugs on bodily functions are under-researched and under-reported, with people “not being informed of the risks at gender clinics”.

Playing with sex specific hormones is going to play merry hell with sex specific homrones. And?

It’s not a mistake

For centuries women have covered up their shocking stories of the natal front line, partly I suspect because they didn’t want to terrify the next wave by mentioning incontinence, ruptures and tears. But now the system has slipped from Victorian to medieval. If we want the next generation of women to consider having children, we need to speak out.

This has been delibedrate policy. The madwives insist upon “natural” birth. That is, medieval. Even, pre-medieval.

Pain is good and eat up your placenta!

I’ve always rather liked this example

Melinda French Gates has resigned from the charity she set up with her billionaire husband Bill three years after the couple filed for divorce.

In a statement posted on X (formerly Twitter), Ms Gates said she will step down from her role as co-chair of the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation on June 7.

The Gates Foundation has done some stunningly good things – malaria vaccines say. It’s also done some unbelievable dross – endless Guardian pieces on empowering wimmins etc.

Under the terms of the agreement, Ms Gates will be handed $12.5bn (£10bn) for her work on behalf of women and families.

She added: “This is a critical moment for women and girls in the US and around the world – and those fighting to protect and advance equality are in urgent need of support.”

Guess who did which bit?

Wrong way to do it

Single-sex lavatories to be compulsory in restaurants, bars and offices under new laws
Building regulations will be changed later this year to make it compulsory to provide separate facilities for men and women

Leave proprietors and their customers to work it out. As with the idiocy of imposing smoking regulations on pubs. This is the sort of thing adults can work out for themselves.

Depends what you mean, donit?

Therapists must be allowed to question children who believe they are trans, the author of a landmark report on the dangers of gender ideology has said.

Dr Hilary Cass, whose review found that children should have extensive therapy before they are allowed to transition, said “exploration of these issues is essential”.

She was speaking amid a row at Britain’s psychotherapist body over the issue of conversion therapy for children.

The UK Council for Psychotherapy (UKCP) has been a signatory to a memorandum of understanding (MoU) opposing conversion therapy, the practice of attempting to change a person’s sexual orientation or gender identity, since 2016.

However, the UKCP’s leadership has now withdrawn, claiming that the document was updated to include children specifically and therefore may prevent therapists from discussing changing gender with young patients.

On the gibbering idiots side “conversion therapy” is defined as anything that isn’t “Here’s your injections right now and we’ll take the willy off Monday”.

Therefore anyone saying even “You sure?” is an anti trans hater and evil and should be jailed.

A ban on “conversion therapy” really does rather depend upon what is meant by that phrase.

That’s not what the court said

Calling a female colleague a “pretty woman” at work is sex discrimination, a tribunal has ruled.

Not really, no.

The ruling came in the case of an accounts manager who sued her employers after her boss told her to attend a meeting – because a male client liked “pretty women”.

Emma Nunn was left feeling “humiliated and undermined” when Adam Crouch extended the invitation purely for her physical appearance, the employment tribunal heard.

Asking her to be the performative totty might be discrimination though.

Missing the point

Somebody’s essay from somewhere. Would assume it’s academic work of some kind:

Dissent comes most ardently from a distinctly conservative, male-dominated
group. They argue that bigger government is not the answer to this problem. Tim
Worstall, one such dissenter, believes that the answer is to throw money at the problem,
or, more specifically, at women. Worstall doubts that women actually cannot afford
menstrual products but believes, “if this is a public policy problem to which a solution
must be found then that solution is to give women some money.” He does not say where
this money should come from, who will determine how much money, or how it should
be distributed (2014). Worstall’s idea is not only less efficient but also more expensive;
while the United States government has the buying power to negotiate lower prices,
individual women do not. Furthermore, Worstall’s idea of simply giving women money
will not solve this issue. The stigma of menstruation and the degradation of women will
not be curtailed by handing women a check every month that enables them to buy
products that are a human right. Worstall’s theory treats the symptom, rather than the
problem. In order to truly tackle this issue, society’s mindset surrounding menstruation
must change—this can be started by enacting changes in public policy that acknowledge
menstruation as healthcare and that access to menstrual products is a human right.

There’s just so much wrong in that……

That other fractious split

The Observer is also not on the trans side – unlike US Guardian:

Just how badly wrong things went at the gender identity development service (Gids) is evidenced in the fact that Cass felt she had to explicitly state that, while some people argue that clinical care for children should be based on a “social justice” model, “the NHS works in an evidence-based way”. That should never have been up for debate: as the British Medical Journal argued in its editorial on the Cass review last week, it is deeply unethical to provide untested medical interventions for children that lack evidence of benefit, yet are life-altering and come with potentially very significant harms.

But that is exactly what has happened to a growing cohort of children seen by Gids, which has since been shut down. Disproportionately made up of girls and same-sex attracted children, many were put on an irreversible medical pathway without diagnostic criteria. This is despite the fact it can lead to infertility and damage adult sexual functioning; there are also as yet unquantified risks for brain development, bone density and in potentially prolonging gender-related distress that evidence shows may resolve itself naturally in many children.


Less damningly awful than you might think

…We have previously identified a number of professionals involved in both the Cass Review and the NHS Gender Dysphoria Working Group which helped commission the review who are involved either in lobbying efforts against trans affirmative healthcare, or who have actively promoted conversion therapy.

To translate, those who are gainbst chopping the tits off teenage birds might have some evidence. This would be bad therefore don’t listen to them.

This is something of a change

The BBC breached its accuracy rules with a report on a transgender cat killer that failed to mention the murderer’s gender identity.

The broadcaster received complaints about how Scarlet Blake’s trans identity was not mentioned in an online article on Feb 23 and the BBC News at One three days later, on the day she was sentenced.

In a ruling, the BBC’s Executive Complaints Unit (ECU) said it “considered that the omission of such information in the two instances specified by complainants, in a context where it had become material to an understanding of the case, amounted to a breach of the BBC’s standards of accuracy”.

We seem to have gone from deadnaming is a crime against all that is holy to not-deadnaming is not accurate reporting.

Well, yes Freddie

Hilary Cass’s proposals are mostly common sense. She must reject anti-trans bias with the same clarity
Freddy McConnell

Not that many of us out here with anti-trans bias. You do anything you want with your life and you’ve the same rights we do to making a go of it too. However:

By failing to take on clinicians who doubt the very existence of trans children and young people, the review lets down those it seeks to support

An awful lot of us simply do not agree that trans-children even exist. Sex isn’t something that children understand – which is why it’s illegal to have sex with children. And if society has decided, as a whole, that children aren’t competent to even have sex then we’re really very certain that they’re not competent to decide upon it.


Ms Hinds returned to work after her maternity leave, but an interview in June 2021 to discuss her needs was “inadequate” and a risk assessment was never carried out, leading to her resignation in September, the hearing was told.

Ms Hinds’s complaints of constructive dismissal and discrimination in relation to Mr Kalley’s description of her and the handling of her complaint were upheld.

The judge was critical of Mr Kalley’s suggestion she was being unreasonable when she complained about her workload.

“In fact she was experiencing significant work related stress in the advanced stages of her pregnancy, had suffered two panic attacks in short succession, felt overwhelmed, was worried about letting others down but equally concerned that she might become seriously unwell,” he said.

So, erm, she was being emotional then:

Describing an expectant mother as “emotional” at work is discrimination, a tribunal has ruled.

Hunh. nd the surprise about people not wanting to employ wimmins is what?