For the last six years, I’ve eaten pizza every single day. Sometimes it might just be a slice, but most days I will get through a whole one. My favourite is a classic American deep-pan pepperoni. I also love tomato and cheese on a nice thick crust, so a plain margherita will never go amiss.
My wife is very supportive and often brings slices home. Last year, I spent 16 days in Italy exploring Rome, Naples and the Amalfi coast with her and our daughter. I ate pizza there, too, of course.
Well, yes, obviously. Top tip from the home of pizza – you don’t use water buffalo mozzarella, use the “fake” cow milk one. It melts better. You do use the water buffalo on a saltimbocca though (an extremely fine one to be had in the church square in the middle of Pozzuoli).
I think people find it hard to understand why I do it, and just how much I love pizza – but it’s as simple as that. I’ll continue my streak as long as I’m still excited about pizza, and I’m happy to enjoy my delicious journey, one bite at a time.
You know, man’s a little weird. Not knife slashingly weird, but he is a bit weird.
Just over a year ago, a pizza box company saw my Instagram and asked if I’d be interested in working for them. I left my job to sell boxes to pizza stores full-time. It’s the perfect job for me, as I can travel and try pizzas from all over the country. This spring, I had pizza in 10 different US states. I also went to Las Vegas for a pizza convention. My favourite crust is the thick, crispy and chewy style from New Haven, Connecticut. The city has the best pizza I’ve ever tried. I love eating at a place called Sally’s Apizza, which has been open since 1938. The sauce is like nothing I’ve ever had, and the coal-fired oven puts the perfect char on the crust.
But isn’t that glorious? And no, I am not making a joke nor sneering. I think it is both glorious and gorgeous. We live in a society free enough, rich enough (to a great extent, the same thing) that the slightly weird squiggle shaped peg of a guy is able to find exactly that right slightly weird wiggle shaped hole into which he fits.
Sure, sure, Instagram, pizzas, cardboard boxes, all very trivial – and yet a guy is able to make his living doing what he loves. We should have more of this capitalism and markets so more of us can do that, right?