Alito’s flag shows the US supreme court is neither honorable nor functional any more
Moira Donegan
The upside-down flag at the justice’s house after the Capitol attack reveals how disgraceful our supreme court has become
The left, the progressives, the woike, the Blob, whatever you want to call it – they’re realising that they made a big, big, mistake. They took their eye off the appointment of judges.
No, not just the Supremes, the Federal judiciary as a whole – and the right started to colonise it.
Oh well, bad political strategy etc. But that has meant the Supremes ending up not being progressive, woke etc.
Which is where they’re getting desperate. At which point the wife of a judge, Alito, flew the US flag upside down. This is such a scandal that Alito must recuse himself, resign, commit hari kari, summat. As if women are not strong and independent these days but are mere accoutrements of their husbands.
Ho hum.
There’sactually a guy out there quite seriously proposing that Alito committed an ethics violation. Because some months after the Bud Light/Dylan Mulvaney thing started to happen he sold (perhaps $10k’s worth, that sort of number) his Bud stock and bought Coors instead. This shows that he’s ideologically inclined against trans, see? Inmstead of being a little late on what everyone could see, that the row wsa going to damage Bud sales and thus the stock value.
They really are desperate, desperate……
The flying of the pro-Trump, pro-coup flag is in clear violation of the ethics rules that apply to federal judges.
Sigh. As to this:
a controversy arose over why, precisely, those ethics rules have never extended to the supreme court justices.
Get a fucking clue Moira. The division of powers, separation of them, mean anything to you?
The justices did not elect, however, to make the new ethics code in any way enforceable for themselves. They’re not rules that can be enforced; they’re guidelines that can be – and are – ignored.
If someone else – anyone else – gets to enforce rules against the Supremes then the Supremes are not independent of those other powers.
JC onna pogo stick they’re desperate.