Two teenagers arrested over fatal stabbing of 14-year-old drill rapper on bus
Police detain two boys and 44-year-old woman in connection with murder of Kelyan Bokassa in south-east London on Jan 7
Not to make light of a young lad cruelly done away.
But this idea of someone being a “drill rapper”. Seems a very common occupation judging from newspaper coverage. Now of course I’ve never heard of any of these people – it’s not really aimed at pale and stale like me. Also, there’s no way I listen to teenibop chart countdown each week.
But I’m getting the impression that this isn’t quite what drill rapper means – that connection to the teeniebop charts. Rather, given the cheapness of new media, this is something more like having a Facebook page. Pretty much everyone’s got a video camera these days – phones will record video. Mumble something while filming, stick on social media of choice, you’re a drill rapper. But, not really – in the same way that 60 years ago ringing your bicycle bell didn’t make you a campanologist.
Your “drill rapper video” is seen by the 50 to 200 people in your wider social circuit and that’s it. Some, obviously, do make it to the teeniebopper chart countdowns. But the newspaper descriptions of this or that lad as rappers are about someone shouting into a microphone for Instagram, not anything else.
Given my intense and detailed knowledge of todays youf scene of course all the above could be complete bollocks. But that is how it seems to me.