So, the Met would tell me exactly what uranium they’d found at Heathrow. And yes, I did talk to them. So I can’t in fact give an opinion on what was being smuggled, or it was a mistake, or what. Because I don’t know what the scrap was, nor what type of uranium it was.
We can make one assumption, it was scrap moving by air. So, the scrap was worth more than $5 or so a kg. Not steel therefore, not unless it was a high stainless. Other than that, dunno.
If it was zirconium tubing contaminated – ie, a smearing or some powder – with U then that’s evidence of someone playing naughty games with U concentration etc. But not dangerous at this end. If it’s a chunk of depleted U then who knows? Bit off a helicopter rotor? Some tank scrap from a firing range?
If it were xyz scrap with a chunk of U sitting in the middle, well, maybe someone smuggling the U.
He told The Telegraph: “If you were to use depleted uranium in a ‘dirty bomb’, like any isotope it would cause a contamination issue – but there are a lot more radioactive isotopes out there that would be easier to get hold of and would have a much greater effect.
“It’s definitely a possibility that this could have been some form of reconnaissance or dry run to test how the security was operating during the industrial action.”
Mr Ingram said that while the discovery of the uranium was concerning, there was some comfort to be found in the fact that even a small amount had been successfully identified during routine checks at Heathrow.
Well, yes, except depleted U wouldn’t normally be detected in the usual sort of radioactive sensors. Someone runs a Feuss over it then it’s obvious, obviously.
It is understood the uranium was contained within metal bars, and experts have said it is “pretty much unheard of” to ship scrap metal around the world by air freight because of the cost.
Depends which metal. But as at the top, fair point except for some real funnies.
Oh, and as to dirty bombs, he’s quite right. You’d not, by preference use U anyway. One of the medially used isotopes would be far preferable. The stuff made by a U fusion explosion that is, not the U itself – or something close at least.