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You may have noticed popping up on the Tim Worstall feed up top 👆.

Today we’re launching Expunct – with the aim of challenging Political and Economic bias in the media. Do the FT always get it wrong? Does the Guardian always push the right political strategy? Today we challenge it. Argument, by argument.

We’re going to be publishing a series of guest articles starting with Dr. Eamonn Butler from the ASI tomorrow. Each week we’ll have a series of articles expunging error and fallacy in the mainstream media covering economics, politics and philosophy.We’ll also have the usual “worstallian” take downs that you know and love.

We’re looking at having a daily / weekly podcast running though the weeks news and taking it apart piece by piece in the usual fashion. If this is something you’d be interested in, let us know! We are looking at possibly starting this week. (Poll below)

A new addition will be the introduction of Expunct videos. It will feature the best videos from the week which take down an argument. Some will be collations, some will be exclusive to us. (Think Dan Hannan and Jonathan Pie.)

Finally we would like to announce here, only, that Timmy has a new book in the works. He’s already at several thousand words. The topic you might ask? Just a small subject, something about somebodies lives matter or something.

Expect fireworks.🎇