Fears, eh?
His pragmatic U-turn allowed him to exploit public fears by claiming in the recent European election that Asian Muslims were sexually grooming white girls.
Looking through the archives of The Times. That’s from 2009. The paper did a lot of good work in 2012 etc on the subject. But I just wanted to see what had been reported about what Grifin had said, if anything. This isn;t a rigorous search, just a skim.
His election victory speech:
and what he described as the scandal of criminal Asian paedophile gangs who are grooming young white girls for “sex, drugs and prostitution”.
Reporting on that election win:
The first issue had already landed in his in-tray, he said. He aimed to use his public profile to highlight the sexual grooming of white girls by what he calls groups of Asian paedophiles. Asked whether such tactics represent a return to the dark ages, he replied: “Not if you talk to the families of young girls who have been through this. A girl aged 12 years old is someone’s little girl and a year later she is just a crack whore. That is the dark ages. It is absolutely brutal.”
And, well:
Mr Griffin rejected suggestions that the BNP’s success would lead to the “rivers of blood” envisaged by Enoch Powell. “The divisions are already there. They were created by that monstrous experiment: the multi-cultural destruction of old Britain. There is no clash between the indigenous population and, for instance, settled West Indians, Sikhs and Hindus. There is, however, an enormous correlation between high BNP votes and nearby Islamic populations. The reason for that is nothing to do with Islamophobia; it is issues such as the grooming of young English girls for sex by a criminal minority of the Muslim population.
Here’s the thing. It really was happening, wasn’t it?
And here’s the difficulty about it. Over and above that it was happening etc.
If you deny, suppress, what is happening, if the system won’t acknowledge nor deal with, then people will go outside that system to get it dealt with. People are indeed going outside the traditional political structures, parties. Why? Well, see back a sentence or two.
And here’s a little thought. What do we think would have happened if Aneurin Bevan, or Ernest Bevin, had been told about a paedophile rape gang (or any colour, race or ethnicity) in their constituency? Whether preying upon working class, aristo, in care or anything else girls?
Well, quite. The rod has been made for their own backs by these modern politicians, hasn’t it?