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Insane Political Ranting of the Day

I\’m not, as one might imagine, hugely enamoured of Hillary Clinton, but there are those sending out round robin emails who are positively unhinged on the subject.

An example of the type of Clinton dysfunction that Hillary has spent 36 years trying to keep secret for 36 years is that Chelsea is probably the seed of Webb Hubbell,

As Chelsea is a) 29 years old and b) as even a cursory glance at a photograph would show, her father\’s daughter, this all sounds most unlikely.

7 thoughts on “Insane Political Ranting of the Day”

  1. Apparently the identity of Bill’s father is the subject of more plausible speculation. But who cares, he’s a shit whoever his father was.

  2. A cursory glance at a photograph seems to show that she’s the spawn of Satan.

    On reflection, pretty much what you said.

  3. Judged by public ratings and the consequences of policy, Bill Clinton was consistently rated better than Bush in the polls – even through the attempted impeachment for the Lewinsky affair – and he was certainly better at managing a successful economic policy.

    The GW Bush presidency will go down as the most disastrous in the last half-century if not longer.

  4. “The GW Bush presidency will go down as the most disastrous in the last half-century if not longer.”
    It’s at least 30 years too soon to make statements of this nature. A case in point: Harry Truman, widely reviled in his time, now generally regarded as one of the best presidents of the 20th century.

  5. Clinton and Bush will go down as the Wilson and Heath of the USA. And then the USA’s Blair will come along to be even worse.

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