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A brief hello to those at City University

And those “studying” under Richard Murphy.

The section of this blog you want is “Ragging on Ritchie“.

And we would be hugely amused to see any class notes, instructions and so on that Murphy has handed out as part of his teaching. To, please.

49 thoughts on “A brief hello to those at City University”

  1. “Rate my Lecturer” does not at the moment include City University among its list of institutions. I have contacted them to remedy this.

  2. So Much For Subtlety

    Andrew K – ““Rate my Lecturer” does not at the moment include City University among its list of institutions. I have contacted them to remedy this.”

    I was going to make a sarcastic comment about how they only rate universities but frankly I can’t be bothered. With Ritchie and that woman who lied her way into a job before destroying the career of a real scientist, you can’t parody the place. It is beyond mockery.

  3. @SMFS

    “I was going to make a sarcastic comment about how they only rate universities but frankly I can’t be bothered. With Ritchie and that woman who lied her way into a job before destroying the career of a real scientist, you can’t parody the place. It is beyond mockery.”

    Let’s not insult our potential new friends, not yet anyway.

  4. “that woman who lied her way into a job before destroying the career of a real scientist,”

    Huh? Who are you talking about?

  5. Hey Scoper

    Just to remind you.

    It’s bin night tonight in Downham Market. Get that balaclava on.

    Have you thought about trying to find his primary school report? Could be proper juicy, that.

  6. @Matthew L:

    Connie St Louis.

    Fantasist “journalism” “professor” who lied throughout her CV. She also lied that cancer specialist Sir Tim Hunt made a “misogynist” speech in South Korea, forcing him to resign.

    Full story is available in lots of places.

    All of Louise Mensch’s prior sins were forgiven for her take down of her.

  7. This might be an interesting experiment in second order effects.

    1. Murph teaches class
    2. Murph’s legendary tolerance for discussion of negative aspects of his ideas limits academic achievement of students
    3. Students find this blog, learn alternatives to Murph’s ideas
    4. Students then find their understanding of Neoliberal economics improved as a result of this wider reading
    5. Academic attainment of students taught by Murphy thus far higher relative to their un Murphied peers
    6. Murphy lauded as excellent teacher of neoliberal economics and former students responsible for the death of state intervention in the economy
    7. Murphy becomes leading figure of serious economic thought as a result of his mentoring of the next generation of economists

  8. Holiday over Arnald?

    “Have you thought about trying to find his primary school report? Could be proper juicy, that.”

    Since you are the top informer on the blog we’ll take your word for it. BTW, what are your standard tariffs? I’m sure Tim could organise a whip-round.

  9. There’s no-one more Stasi than Scoper, Drecks. He probably has a file on Murphy as thick as your head.

    I mean, who has a file on Murphy? Why?

    But then you’re probably the kind of guy that prints and cuts out their own comments and sticks them in a scrapbook.

  10. Is the UK “Rate my Lecturer” still going? I thought it didn’t get much attention and folded.

    The American “Rate my Professor” has a few UK institutions on, but hardly any reviews.

  11. Arnald:

    “Rate my informer” is likely the next trend. You are heading for your usual grade Z.

    And its MR Ecks –not Dr. I didn’t not spend 6 years at Inconnu Medical school to be called Dr.

  12. They’re not letting him actually teach, are they? I assumed it would just be an honarary “job for the comrades”-type thing?

  13. @Tel

    You don’t suppose that’s what they thought, and instead he’s insisting on having classes to ‘teach’? Do you think that the faculty are asking students to sort of play along with it?

  14. ” She also lied that cancer specialist Sir Tim Hunt made a “misogynist” speech in South Korea, forcing him to resign.”

    Er, that wasn’t a lie. He did make the speech. It didn’t destroy his career either, it was only an honorary position with no actual research. If anything, he’d spend more time on cancer research now in his main job – which he didn’t resign from and as far as I know is still doing.

  15. @Matthew.

    I’m sure Sir Tim will enjoy seeing her story and the subsequent press coverage of her take on his speech at the top of the Google search results for his name forever and ever, especially as it’s all ok and he wasn’t hounded out of office or anything.

    If he’d been imprisoned for wrongthink, he could have had more time for cancer study too.

  16. >Er, that wasn’t a lie. He did make the speech.

    It was a lie. She grossly misrepresented what he said.

    And do you really think being asked to resign from your position at UCL is a trifle, honorary or not?

  17. “If he’d been imprisoned for wrongthink, he could have had more time for cancer study too.”

    Well no, because research facilities inside prison aren’t all that good.

    “Maybe the same analysis of her CV and test for lies etc would provide some balance to your remarks?”

    If that’s true, which is up to UCL to figure out, then distorting the truth by saying she “destroyed his career” doesn’t really help with occupying the moral high ground, does it?

    “It was a lie. She grossly misrepresented what he said.”

    No she didn’t. She left off the “Oh by the way ha ha only joking” bit at the end, otherwise known as the signature of Schrödinger’s Wanker (you can’t tell if he’s “joking” or not until the reaction of the audience has been measured). What he said was confirmed by other people in the room, including Tim Hunt himself. You think it’s appropriate to tell an audience of colleagues that men and women should be segregated in science labs?

  18. “You think it’s appropriate to tell an audience of colleagues that men and women should be segregated in science labs?”

    He was joking, as almost all of the people in the room realized.

    He also resigned from the Royal Society’s Biological Sciences Committee, which I expect he was forced to do. He was also pressured to resign from the ERC. He had negative headlines in all the papers, and loads of feminist academics acted as though he was Hitler. Basically, he was publically humiliated and shamed over a silly joke. Yet left-wing academics routinely say the most outrageous things every day and get promoted for it.

  19. “He was joking, as almost all of the people in the room realized.”

    Maybe the people pressuring him to resign were joking too. Ha ha! He shouldn’t have taken it so seriously.

    “loads of feminist academics acted as though he was Hitler”

    And we’re Godwinned.

    “Basically, he was publically humiliated and shamed over a silly joke. ”

    Holding an honorary position is supposed to mean you act, in part, as an ambassador for the university. Part of the tradeoff is that you lose the ability to offend people without consequences. Academia is plagued with sexism, it’s about time institutions started taking it seriously.

    “Yet left-wing academics routinely say the most outrageous things every day and get promoted for it.”

    Tim Hunt *is* a left wing academic.

  20. @MatthewL, it was a lie. Yes he did a give a speech, that wasn’t the lie, nice of you to avoid the point. The lie was twisting what he said into a total disconnect with reality. Hunt was promoting women in science, but the lying non-journalist with fake credentials has actually made it worse for women because now most sane people (excluding you) will not want women as they could be like Connie St Louis. Well she does make out that she stands for all women.

    I thought Arnald was a cunt. He’s a pussy cat compared to you Matthew.

  21. “The lie was twisting what he said into a total disconnect with reality.”

    Not really. He might have intended it to be jocular but it was still sexist stereotyping and completely inappropriate for the conference. That’s why the conference organisers, at least some of whom I assume were actually at the event, asked for (and got) an apology.

    “the lying non-journalist with fake credentials has actually made it worse for women because now most sane people (excluding you) will not want women as they could be like Connie St Louis.”

    What a load of cobblers. That’s almost as bad as saying that all the fuss destroyed his career – which, while we’re talking about lies, is blatantly false. He’s back at the Royal Society, still with EMBO, has a position with a Japanese university as good as the one he had in England and seems to have suffered no professional harm at all.

  22. As an aside, I’m often amazed at how so many commenters here are massive fans of personal responsibility and yet seem to think that what someone says should have no consequences, even if it’s completely at odds with their employer’s policies.

  23. @ Matthew L
    I accept personal responsibility for things I have done (and, when they were children, for things my children did), but not for things I have not done.

  24. @MatthewL, the false facts that Connie St Louis told did destroy Tim Hunts career. But only for a short while. Until the backlash against Connie when people realised she was a liar and fantasist.

    As for responsibility for your words – It’s surprising that Connie St Louis doesn’t take responsibility for what she has said. She always avoids the issue when questioned about the case. She has also avoided the consequences of lying about her CV. In most cases that would be classified as fraud, yet she hasn’t lost her job.

  25. >>“Yet left-wing academics routinely say the most outrageous things every day and get promoted for it.”
    >Tim Hunt *is* a left wing academic.”

    But he wasn’t saying anything left-wing then, was he? (Are you dim, or just trying to shift ground as much as you can?)

    Left-wing academics call for the jailing and persecution of climate skeptics, and what happens? They get more funding. I have seen counteless academics with pictures of Che and hard-left slogans all over their doors, and nobody bats an eyelid. But say something somewhat un-PC and you’re fired.

    (And yes, his career did recover somewhat, once it was realized that the story was BS.)

  26. So Much For Subtlety

    Matthew L – “Er, that wasn’t a lie. He did make the speech. It didn’t destroy his career either,”

    She lied about what he said and yes, it has had serious effects on his career.

    “If anything, he’d spend more time on cancer research now in his main job – which he didn’t resign from and as far as I know is still doing.”

    He is in exile in Japan so I am not sure he is doing a lot of research. But hey, those nice people on the House Un-American Activities Committee just gave people more time to spend on their writing too. Presumably you will agree there was no harm done?

    Matthew L – “Not really. He might have intended it to be jocular but it was still sexist stereotyping and completely inappropriate for the conference. That’s why the conference organisers, at least some of whom I assume were actually at the event, asked for (and got) an apology.”

    Any evidence they asked for or got an apology? The people at the conference seem to have understood his comments perfectly well and no one else was upset. He did not engage in sexist stereotyping except against himself. What he said was:

    It’s strange that such a chauvinist monster like me has been asked to speak to women scientists. Let me tell you about my trouble with girls. Three things happen when they are in the lab: you fall in love with them, they fall in love with you, and when you criticise them they cry. Perhaps we should make separate labs for boys and girls? Now, seriously, I’m impressed by the economic development of Korea. And women scientists played, without doubt an important role in it. Science needs women, and you should do science, despite all the obstacles, and despite monsters like me.
    So, congratulations, everybody, and I hope – I hope – I hope – I really do hope there is nothing holding you back, especially not monsters like me.

    What precisely in that do you object to? Do you think it is wrong to warn girls that they may face sexists in the lab?

    “He’s back at the Royal Society, still with EMBO, has a position with a Japanese university as good as the one he had in England and seems to have suffered no professional harm at all.”

    FILTH. Failed in London, Try Hong Kong. He is in Okinawa. That is the sh!t end of the universe even by Japanese standards. No, he does not have a position as good as the one at UCL. He doesn’t even have a research or teaching position. His wife does.

    Matthew L – “As an aside, I’m often amazed at how so many commenters here are massive fans of personal responsibility and yet seem to think that what someone says should have no consequences, even if it’s completely at odds with their employer’s policies.”

    I am a fan of personal responsibility. But hand in hand with that goes not being responsible for something someone did not do. If you think that vile lies about people are totally fine and in line with any sense of personal responsibility, I am sure you will not mind if we all call you “Matthew the Convicted Child Molestor” L. I am sure it won’t have a big impact on your career. And hey, if it does, I am sure you can get a job in Japan. After all, it is all about personal responsibility isn’t it?

  27. So Much For Subtlety

    Matthew L – “She left off the “Oh by the way ha ha only joking” bit at the end”

    His comments were strongly pro-women in science all the way through. There was no sudden change of tone at the end. There is just a b!tch at City lying about him. And now you defending her idiocy.

    “You think it’s appropriate to tell an audience of colleagues that men and women should be segregated in science labs?”

    It is probably UCL policy. It is certainly their policy when it comes to their Islamic Society.

  28. @Matthew L:Scientist makes joke (maybe ill judged, who knows) about segregating male and female scientists, in otherwise anodyne speech, gets shit load of hate dropped on his head by SJW types.

    Labour Party runs ACTUAL segregated political rallies, crickets.

    Notice a slight difference of approach here?

  29. I saw Connie St Louis on the BBC recently, falsely accusing Milo Yianoppolous of calling for somebody’s assassination. There was a backlash against her for this, after which the BBC issued an apology – get this – on her behalf. This vile, repulsive woman sums up so much of what is wrong with modern Britain.

    Half of Tim Hunt’s problem was that he apologised. If there is one thing people ought to learn from Trump’s presidential campaign it is never, ever to apologise when the public are calling for you to do so. They don’t want an apology, they want an admission of guilt, and an apology is seen as just that. Standing by what you said and refusing to apologise is by far the best course of action in the modern world.

  30. Hi Arnald,

    I’ve told you before, it’s all publicly accessible information just as Ritchie demands of everyone else.

    Sorry, no primary school records, but he did pass his 11 plus, went to Grammar School and on to become wealthy, a successful accountant, tax campaigner and advisor to governments. The twin brother (so an interesting social experiment) failed his 11 plus and is a local radio DJ. Ritchie wants to abolish Grammars. Typical leftie, denying others the opportunities they’ve had themselves.

  31. No, Scoper, Murphy only calls for transparency for companies.

    He states that regularly.

    Your campaign is bizarre, obsessive. People are allowed to change their minds and positions.

    It is not a left-wing opinion that selection at 11 is an anachronistic test for entry into secondary education, and really what were the options back then? It was what happened. Are you suggesting that he should have foreseen his adult opinions and directions when he was 10 and a half?

    What has it got to do with his campaign?

    Face it, you’re a nasty, bitter man, with a psychological problem.

    Second only to Drecks.

  32. Before the arrival here of Matthew L, this blog was almost free of people I would be happy to describe as cvnts to their face.

    Now there are 2.

  33. Tim Newman

    “I saw Connie St Louis on the BBC recently, falsely accusing Milo Yianoppolous of calling for somebody’s assassination. There was a backlash against her for this, after which the BBC issued an apology – get this – on her behalf. This vile, repulsive woman sums up so much of what is wrong with modern Britain.”

    She really is a piece of work…

  34. Noel Scoper said:
    “The twin brother failed his 11 plus and is a local radio DJ.”

    Is this real?

    We could of course easily get the two confused.

  35. “The twin brother failed his 11 plus and is a local radio DJ.”

    You’re making this up, aren’t you – because Alan Partridge broadcast for Radio Norfolk.

  36. Nope, absolutely not made up at all. The major difference between the two in appearance being that the twin has a shaved head and also doesn’t seem to be suffering from some ghastly skin disease.

  37. Does the twin brother blog about economics? Or indeed anything he doesn’t know anything about?

    Be great to see them going head to head.

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