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Seems perfectly sensible to me

The Scottish Conservatives leader, Ruth Davidson, has raised eyebrows by posting a picture of the actor Gillian Anderson in lingerie on social media.

Davidson, 38, posted the image of the X-Files star on Twitter before going on holiday for two weeks

Ruthie is a lesbian, sexually interested in women. Gillian Anderson is a most toothsome example of womanhood to be interested in. Zero people would be shocked to learn that a heterosexual male thought Gillian toothsome.

There’s a possibility that this LGBTQIA thing hasn’t quite settled in and taken yet. Intellectually people have got that tastes differ, but perhaps not entirely that this means that rather different people could find the same person toothsome, coming from the other direction as it were.

22 thoughts on “Seems perfectly sensible to me”

  1. I’m shocked because normally gay people don’t objectify the same sex at all in the slightest.

  2. TBH Tim, if some bloke posted a pic of a fit bird there’d be the usual twatterstorm accusations of sexism, objectification as well.

    So actually, what we see here is equality at work.

  3. So Much For Subtlety

    There is the minor issue of appropriateness. We work together as a sexual species because we pretend that sex does not exist while we are in public. It seems to be a firm rule of human society.

    While we might like sex, if we go on about it all the time, we cannot coexist in harmony. Petty bitterness is likely to be too great. So a dignified silence is the order of the day.

    Mess rooms were not supposed to discuss women or religion. The same seems reasonable for politicians. The less we know about each others sexual preferences, the better it is for all concerned.

    While I don’t want to come over all CNN, she has forgotten the dignity of the office yada, yada, yada. Whether she likes leggy blonde boys or muscular weight lifting woman, she ought to keep it to herself in public.

  4. “if some bloke posted a pic of a fit bird there’d be the usual twatterstorm accusations of sexism, objectification as well.

    So actually, what we see here is equality at work..”

    Except that we are told we must ‘celebrate’ the LGBTXYQJKT community in all their sexual proclivities. So by (in this case) showing equality with men, she is being attacked for her very sexual preferences. I’d hazard a guess that if she wasn’t Tory then such negative comments would be being reported as a homophobic attack by the very people currently making those comments.

  5. So Much For Subtlety

    Jim – “Except that we are told we must ‘celebrate’ the LGBTXYQJKT community in all their sexual proclivities.”

    One of Barney Frank’s twinks was running a male prostitution service out of his Congressional office.

    The media were fine with that.

    Now imagine that one of Trump’s girlfriends was running an Escort agency out of the West Wing.

  6. Jim: ” I’d hazard a guess that if she wasn’t Tory then such negative comments would be being reported as a homophobic attack by the very people currently making those comments.”


  7. SMFS
    While I don’t want to come over all CNN, she has forgotten the dignity of the office yada, yada, yada. Whether she likes leggy blonde boys or muscular weight lifting woman, she ought to keep it to herself in public.

    Completely agreed. Even though Gillian has been reported to be / to have been fairly relaxed about the dividing line between the genders herself.

    But wannabe national leaders shouldn’t parade their personal sexual leanings IMHO. Unless of course there’s some sort of Oedipal thing going on and you happen to be President of a large European nation.

  8. I agree with SMFS about ‘dignified silence’. But the criticism of Davidson involves talks about the evils fo ‘objectifying women’, which seems to be about warning people that they are not allowed to find pictures of woman sexually attractive. And I say bollocks to that.

  9. The Inimitable Steve

    Absolutely disgusting and wrong:

    by posting a picture of the actor Gillian Anderson

    She’s an actress, you mongs.

  10. The surprising thing here is that Ruthie seems to have a libido: most lesbians are as interested in sex as the average loaf of bread.

  11. I think there is a valid point to make here about the dignity of office etc but that is not the point the Graun is making; which is (of course) that Them Tories Are Evil.

  12. I think the subtext here is that objectifying women is considered inherently wrong because it’s something those nasty men do.

    A women doing it too just doesn’t compute.

  13. She’s been going on about her *appreciation* of Gillian Anderson for ages, but this was epic trolling by Ruth.

    She ticks all the boxes for the progressives: working/lower middle class, lesbian, ex-BBC journalist. How dare she be Conservative! She drives them up the wall and she knows it.

    FWIW, I think she’s been great for reinvigorating the Scottish Tories but she is as yet untested in actually running anything. A Cabinet job could see her unravel quickly.

  14. Also, let’s be honest, she isn’t the holder any “office” of any significance which has dignity needing protection.

    She’s the leader of the Scottish Tories. It’s only by recent hard work, quite a lot of it hers, that they don’t schedule their meetings in the nearest telephone box.

  15. She ticks all the boxes for the progressives: working/lower middle class, lesbian, ex-BBC journalist. How dare she be Conservative! She drives them up the wall and she knows it.

    They consider her an apostate.

  16. *However*, there’s a large segment of the population that would be absolutely infuriated should a man have done so – even a gay man posting a picture of another man.

    So, the question is, is she part of that segment that would freak out if a man had done so? Not familiar with her so I don’t know.

    Is so, then she certainly needs to be hit from *all sides* for hypocrisy – even as the pic post itself is defended as harmless.

    While I don’t think its really appropriate to do this sort of thing on the account you use *professionally* (your private account – I don’t care what you do there), I accept that others may have differing standards.

  17. The main concern for BluLab should be getting their shitshow sufficiently together to stop Grandpa Death, one of the most evil cunts UK politics has thrown up ever from getting into power and turning the country into a full-on marxist tyranny in the style of his beloved Venezuela.

    Piss on Davidson’s weird habits/lifestyle. Were I PM any thought in her head–or any other of BluLab’s supposed leadership– not devoted to the goal stated above would earn her a marked card–for the future if not politic at present.

  18. The Inimitable Steve

    Agammamon – Dunno. I used to really like lesbians, until I discovered that they’re not, in fact, sexy young things who like to cavort in their knickers for the edification of window cleaners, but are actually mostly beefy, sullen, buzz-cutted munters with no sense of humour.

    So Ruth isn’t my cup of tea, but she seems an alright lass as far as chunky Caledonian minge-mongers go, so a fatwa on those who insult Gillian Anderson.

  19. “chunky Caledonian minge-mongers”

    iSteve, are you suggesting there’s something of a lady of the night about her?

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