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Timmy Elsewhere


That report on food waste (yes, they\’ve committed the common environmental sin of assuming that people\’s time has no value) and a quick "thrppfftt" to  Polly getting another award.


12 thoughts on “Timmy Elsewhere”

  1. Tim

    An aspect of this food waste thingy that occurs to me – I wonder whether people are buying something called food services these days rather than food per se. Busy people may feel it’s good to have lots of choice and variety readily available (by virtue of readymade meals etc) and don’t care so much about the odd bit of waste (unlike people of raised in the depression and war years). For example, parents are content to at least get some nutrition into contrary children even though a good chunk of it goes into the bin.

    All this may be the result of people behaving pretty rationally in the face of competing priorities and limited time.

    The concentration on alleged food waste is just another sign of greenie monomania.

  2. So I throw away £8 worth of food per week. But £8 worth to whom? Not to me as I value it at £0 otherwise I wouldn’t be throwing it away. And since I don’t see Gordon Brown or a queue of people outside my house I don’t think anyone else values my food waste either.

  3. procrustes and Kit:

    No, no, no, you’ve got it all wrong. It’s the racist 3 year olds who say ‘Yuk’ when offered ‘Paki’ food.

    I’m not kidding. What the hell is going on with this?
    The new 366-page guide, Young Children and Racial Justice, warned that ‘racist incidents among children in early years settings-tend to be around name-calling-casual thoughtless comments, and peer group relationships’.

    It said such incidents could include children using words like ‘blackie’, ‘Pakis’, ‘those people’ or ‘they smell’.

    Children might also ‘react negatively to a culinary tradition other than their own by saying “yuk”.’

    Nursery staff are told: ‘No racist incident should be ignored. When there is a clear racist intent, it is necessary to be specific in condemning the action.’

    If children ‘reveal negative attitudes the lack of censure may indicate to the child that there is nothing unacceptable about such attitudes’.

    Nurseries are encouraged to report as many racist incidents as possible to local councils.

    You guys really need to get your guns back.

  4. What, to fight for our kids’ right to say that Pakis stink and eat yukky food? I can think of worthier causes for a revolution…

  5. … throwing it away. And since I don’t see Gordon Brown or a queue of people outside my house …

    This could be a solution to the problem of MP’s expenses. Cancel all salaries, pensions and expense accounts, and let them live off what we throw away.

  6. “You guys really need to get your guns back.”

    Well, I never had one to start with. Want one now, especially when I see that kind of blether dished out to schools…

    “What, to fight for our kids’ right to say that Pakis stink and eat yukky food? “

    No, dolt! To point out to the idiots that run education in this country that encouraging nurseries to ‘report as many racist incidents as possible to local councils’ is likely to wind up the same way as any other target-driven initiative – chaos and a backlash.

    Or do you really think that the response to a child ‘reacting negatively to a culinary tradition other than their own by saying “yuk”…’ is the very definition of ‘racism’…?

    Thanks, Pamela, for pointing out that egregious bit of nonsense.

  7. Getting back to the ‘food waste’ issue, how does that food waste from households compare with food waste from retailers and restaurants?

    Households feeling the pinch are already likely to be using food as best they can, but I can’t see restaurants serving ‘leftovers’ anytime soon. And I think supermarkets might have regulations (sell by dates, etc) preventing them from disposing of food other than by waste.

  8. “Children might also ‘react negatively to a culinary tradition other than their own by saying “yuk”.’ ”

    Cretins. Young children react to most unfamiliar or strongly flavoured or oddly textured food with ‘yuk’ or deep suspicion at best, including dishes from their own culinary tradition – it’s a sound biological instinct.

    Most parents whose brains aren’t completely addled by politics figure this out very early on, or maybe the lot who drafted this nonsense haven’t got kids, which is an encouraging thought.;-P

  9. I’ll take a large wager that the ‘£8 a week’ number is based on the purchase price of the discarded foodstuffs – when they were new/fresh. But much of the discarded food (as was shown in the report) was discarded because it was no longer fit for consumption. In addition to the implicit assumption that people’s time has no value, this report also assumes that foodstuffs hold a constant value with time, regardless of any other factor.

    Posturing political nonsense. The entire history of mankind (as with almost all other species) has been one of a desperate – and often unsuccessful – struggle to acquire enough calories for survival. Every other success over the forces of nature that would tend to our extinction – disease, parasites, injury – has been greeted as a triumph, yet the greatest triumph of all – the freedom from hunger – is condemned as waste?

    Bah. Mindless poltroons.



  10. Ah, well, I’m going to settle down to the lamb stew made from the remains of Sunday’s roast.

    Not because it’s cheaper, not because the PM wants us to make the most of our food.

    Purely because it tastes good.

    If I didn’t like lamb stew, I’d toss the remnants of the joint in the bin with a clear conscience.

  11. Children might also ‘react negatively to a culinary tradition other than their own by saying “yuk”.’

    I wonder how some children and their parents might react to a pork chop.

  12. Well if they are really determined to force multi-culti food down the kids necks, they had better be ready to start serving long pork and live witchetty grubs in the school canteens. And the little buggers will still go sneaking off for chips and deep fried mars bars.

    T’other thing is, how do these folk define “wasted” food? If you have cooked some rice, and there is plenty left, you have a choice. Keep re-heating it until it is all used up, keep reheating it until your family all die of food poisoning, or sling it on the compost heap. Re-heating food can be quite dangerous.

    You buy a cauliflower, and cut away the stem end and the tough leaves. You throw away the cores of apples and pears, and the stones and skin of peaches and avocados. You throw away a jar of jam when the glass jar is broken and the broken glass is lurking inside.

    Imagine the desperate straits we would have to be in, to make us risk consuming potentially dirty food.

    And you know friends, nothing wastes as much food as a nasty bout of gastro-enteritis…..

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