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Genetics, eh?

The youngest of three children, Kobe Bean Bryant — he was named after a high-end type of Japanese beef and his father was nicknamed “Jellybean” — was born in Philadelphia in 1978, where his father, Joe, was a 6ft 9in basketball player for the Philadelphia 76ers. His mother, Pamela (née Cox), is the sister of a former professional basketball player.

7 thoughts on “Genetics, eh?”

  1. “Why would you want to name your child after a type of beef” – dunno but as good as any. Translated from the original languages most names are a bit random.
    I remember the scene in pulp fiction taxi driver asks butch what his name means,, and he replies along the lines of i don’t know here in America our names don’t mean shit. Always struck me that Quentin must have meant something deep artistic there since that statement applies to most of the names which originate from largely from different languages but Butch does have a meaning in modern English and he was a boxer so kinda nominative determined? any way as you were.

  2. Don’t tell Adam Rutherford your racist theories Tim:

    ” We all know someone who has casually racist opinions: the misattribution of elite athletic success to ancestry rather than training, that east Asian students are naturally better at maths; or that Jews are innately good with money. ”

    via Steve Sailer:

  3. Yes, the “tall” gene as revealed in Mendel’s Peas

    imo UK News: inordinate amount of air time on Kobe Bryant (Who?) death; isit cuz he iz black?

    Related: Barrister “Black man good” “White Cop Bad”
    Copper should have just died rather than defend himself

    PC Outten suffered horrific injuries to his skull and arms but still managed to bring down his assailant with a Taser

  4. Genetics shows up in the England Cricket XI: dozens have/had a father and/or son and/or brother playing first class cricket, I think more than a dozen had one playing for England (albeit that includes some double-counting. Kobe Bryant is just another example

  5. @john77
    I wouldn’t deny that there could be a genetic element, but having a dad who can coach you to professional level probably helps, too (and one less likely to say: “forget about being a pro cricketer, you’ll never make any money at that”). See also acting dynasties (I doubt there’s an ‘acting’ gene).

  6. @Chris

    Copying parents does have an influence, but if the ability not there coaching won’t help. eg me and piano

    Acting gene? Maybe needs the “Look at me, listen to me” gene as well

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