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No, sorry, just fuck off. Really, fuck off, Fuck Off, FUCK OFF!

Marc Jacobs is accused of ‘cultural appropriation’ after sending white models including Kendall Jenner and Gigi Hadid down the catwalk with fake dreadlocks

Seriously, fuck off:

Many people online have blasted Marc Jacobs for the move, accusing the brand of cultural appropriation.
‘Dreadlocks are part of black culture, something you have no business trying to sell or appropriate. Do better,’ wrote Twitter user Maia.

But some furious Tweeters claimed that white people should be banned from wearing dreadlocks altogether.

Fuck off, OK?

In Ancient Greece, kouros sculptures from the Archaic period depict men wearing dreadlocks,[8] while Spartan hoplites (generally described as fair-haired)[9] wore formal locks as part of their battle dress.[10] Spartan magistrates known as Ephors also wore their hair braided in long locks, an Archaic Greek tradition that was steadily abandoned in other Greek kingdoms.[11] The style was worn by Ancient Christian Ascetics, and the Dervishes of Islam, among others.[12] Some of the very earliest Christians also may have worn this hairstyle; there are descriptions of James the Just, first Bishop of Jerusalem, who is said to have worn them to his ankles.

Have I mentioned yet that you can all FUCK OFF!

57 thoughts on “No, sorry, just fuck off. Really, fuck off, Fuck Off, FUCK OFF!”

  1. I don’t like dreadlocks and would be quite happy to cut around the place freelance shearing every fucker I see with them. Ditto mullets, male pony tails, and frankly male shoulder length hair like your own. No2s all round.

    That said, these cunts can absolutely fuck off or cease appropriating the white man’s electricity.

  2. It’s a good thing Ali G was some 15 years ago: today he’d be done for cultural appropriation of white people who think they’re black.

    Or is it ok if it’s comedy? I genuinely don’t know.

  3. On an earlier thread I think it was the peerless Julia M who pointed out that unfortunately, rather than sending these perpetrators on their way with peals of laughter ringing in their ears we, out of some wholly misplaced sense of ‘historical guilt’ actually give them the time of day and lend credence to the concept which is wholly bogus. Far easier to ‘opt for the quiet life’ – and I have to confess I am no doubt guilty of this on occasion. I need to stick my courage to the mast and tell them to go forth and multiply.

    The sooner negotiations can be opened with Venezuela and North Korea to give these people a more politically amenable place to live in in the wake of a Socialist tax the better….

  4. I’ve just checked the origins of cannabis.

    It is indigenous to the Indian sub-continent, not the Caribbean.

    So we need to confiscate drugs from every Rastafarian for their cultural appropriation.

  5. I don’t like dreadlocks and would be quite happy to cut around the place freelance shearing every fucker I see with them. Ditto mullets, male pony tails, and frankly male shoulder length hair like your own. No2s all round.

    And you can fuck off, too. The length of my hair is my business and none of yours. Don’t like it? Don’t look. Just because you are a fashion victim, it doesn’t mean you get to tell others to be likewise.

    No-one has any business whatsoever telling others how they may dress or wear their hair.

    So, yeah, the cultural appropriation bastards can fuck off, just as the social conservatives who think men should all wear their hair short can fuck off as well. I have never worn a No2 and never will so long as there is breath in my body – so, just so you are sure, you can fuck right off!

  6. It’s worth bearing in mind that the DM has based this bullshit story on the tweets of a dozen idiots, most of whom appear to be white.

  7. Since when have dreadlocks been African? Did Bob Marley’s mates copy it from the Indians in the Caribbean?

    Everything they learned about Africa came from the National Geographic so it is hard to comment really.

  8. While we’re about it, we are told in the Guardian that some atonal black shouting into a mike is the “natural” winner of the Mercury awards, which is, laughably, a MUSIC prize?

    Exaclty what has the black race contributed in general to the physics, electronics and computing that enabled this electronic music to be made, amplified, broadcast, heard, viewed, stored and distributed that validates the cultural appropriation of all the centuries of accumulated IP of the white race?

  9. I think we can safely say there is a limited number of things you can do with hair (at least until modern technology got involved). Basically these are (in approximate order of ease) unkept, shaved off, tamed natural (which is variable), tied up, straightened or curled, or tied in fancy patterns, which are basically either braids of varying sizes (including deadlocks) or knots. And I am hard pressed to think of any particular group (however defined – region, skin colour, linguistic community with more than one minor language) which historically has not used all of these options, so the cultural appropriation here would be by those people trying to claim a subset of braiding as an ethnic marker when it clearly is not.

    If you do want a unique hairstyle, as far as I know only the Normans thought wearing the front of the hair long and shaving the back and sides was a good look though.

  10. A culture which places a great emphasis on what hair looks like is unlikely to be one which has contributed much to the Ascent of Man.

  11. Bloke in North Dorset

    “Exaclty what has the black race contributed in general to the physics, electronics and computing that enabled this electronic music to be made, amplified, broadcast, heard, viewed, stored and distributed that validates the cultural appropriation of all the centuries of accumulated IP of the white race?”

    Because ….wavy hands ….. slavery ……racists

  12. @MC
    “It’s worth bearing in mind that the DM has based this bullshit story on the tweets of a dozen idiots, most of whom appear to be white.”

    This is because the DM’s business model is to constantly troll its own readers, the DM is the biggest troll on the internet, trolling provokes a reponse, a click, money. it would be counterproductive for them to actually post anything their readership agreed with.

    “In Internet slang, a troll (/ˈtroʊl/, /ˈtrɒl/) is a person who sows discord on the Internet by starting arguments or upsetting people, by posting inflammatory,[1] extraneous, or off-topic messages in an online community (such as a newsgroup, forum, chat room, or blog) with the deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response”

  13. only the Normans thought wearing the front of the hair long and shaving the back and sides was a good look though.

    This was popular amongst teenage skateboarders in Northamptonshire market towns c.1994. Damn us kids appropriating culture from 1000 year old frogs. Always knew we were evil racist 16 year old bastards.

  14. I was joking, you fuckwit.

    No, you weren’t. You said exactly what you were thinking and expected others to fall into line with the “joke” (and I suggest you don’t go into comedy for a living). You are the only fuckwit here. Do you seriously think I haven’t come across others “joking” in exactly the same manner that you just did? It may be presented as a joke, but the speaker is telling us what he really thinks, or he wouldn’t say it.

    What you said here is no different to what the people claiming cultural appropriation are saying (“you shouldn’t do x because I disapprove). Two cheeks of the same arse.

  15. The Left has declared Western Civilization null and void. They can get away with publicly saying, “You can’t do that,” when it comes to a practice one GROUP uses (it doesn’t matter the origins of the practice – cultural appropriation only works one way). Their belief is you shouldn’t be allowed to breathe. But they can’t get away with publicly saying they want you dead. So they pick away at the edges, and will continue to until there is nothing left of you. The have already succeeded in sharply reducing the birth rate in the West.

    The best way – the only way – to defeat a culture is to get that culture to believe they are wrong/bad/wicked, such that they will accept – even welcome – defeat.

    The Jews have been annoying other groups for millennia by simply refusing to give up their culture. Which, of course, they have every right to do.

    Meanwhile, Obama travels the world telling people America is bad. BLM tells us police are bad. Hillary shrieks that wimmons aren’t treated right. Their messages are all the SAME, Western Civilization sucks, hence must be replaced. Their not having a rational replacement doesn’t matter.

  16. BraveFart: So we need to confiscate drugs from every Rastafarian for their cultural appropriation.

    And given that Ras Tafari was Ethiopian, they are doubly guilty, the rotters.

  17. Did the Rastas appropriate dreadlocks from the Jews, or did the Jews appropriate dreadlocks from the Rastas?

    There’s only one way to find out…

    Cue Harry Hil.

  18. Which culture invented being boorish, weapons-grade dickheads? The SJWs have definitely appropriated that culture.

    Can’t wait for the campaign to throw pensioners out of their culturally appropriated bungalows.

  19. Its funny how a whole bunch of internet idiocy could be avoided simply by spending 5 minutes with Wikipedia.

    Unless there’s a conspiracy of white oppressors editing the Wiki, it looks like Dreads are (like most anything people do) not particularly original and a lot older than the kids think.

  20. Craig
    September 16, 2016 at 10:34 am

    Why are all these cunts happy to appropriate the English language?

    If you asked them they would tell you they didn’t appropriate it, it was *forced* on them by colonialist oppressors.

  21. ‘If you asked them they would tell you they didn’t appropriate it, it was *forced* on them by colonialist oppressors.’

    To be fair, the Welsh are doing their best to unforce it, the silly twats. But then, mae rhai pobl yn meddwl bod y Gymraeg yn cael eu idiots!

  22. Longrider
    September 16, 2016 at 10:46 am

    And you can fuck off, too. The length of my hair is my business and none of yours. Don’t like it? Don’t look. Just because you are a fashion victim, it doesn’t mean you get to tell others to be likewise.

    No-one has any business whatsoever telling others how they may dress or wear their hair.

    You might want to calm down mate. Just as you have the right to dress as you wish, he has the right to judge your choices publicly. And so do these other idiots ‘fighting’ against ‘cultural appropriation’.

    And *he’s* not saying that it would be appropriate to use force against you to make you conform to his wishes, unlike some of the people on the other side.

  23. From the wiki article.

    “Since the rise of the popularity of dreadlocks, African Americans have developed a large variety of ways to”……..” wear dreadlocked hair”

    Oh the temptation to change that to

    “Since the rise of the popularity of dreadlocks, African Americans have developed a large variety of ways to complain”

  24. @ Longrider
    What some people think about your hair matters to them – but it also matters to those working in a “responsible” job – no, I am not going to define “reponsible” because you’ll try to pick holes in it when it’s bloody obvious. When I was 19/20 I chose an “overgrown crewcut” because it was the least bad option to fit on top of my face – then skinheads came along so I had to grow my hair longer to avoid being thought of as a skinhead.
    “No-one has any business whatsoever telling others how they may dress or wear their hair.” Actually they do if it affects the employer’s business – the requirement to wear a suit in the office and, later, the hint that I should grow my hair longer were quite reasonable. YOU may think that your personal preferences over-ride all commercial considerations but others do not and their employers are more likely to survive. If you were expecting a super-intelligent young actuary to advise you on your company’s pension scheme and an emaciated skinhead walked in you would be shocked and less likely to listen to his/my wisdom.

  25. Forgive my being dense but whence this business of Longrider’s appearance. Have I missed a thread?

    I liked this from the article:
    Chris Coon added: ‘Dreadlocks look better on blacks, give it up white people.’

    As a rule I deplore the tendency nowadays for perfect strangers to use Christian names from the off but in this case I can see that it might avoid unpleasantness.

    “Who you calling Mr Coon?” (in the syle of Sidney Poitier).

  26. Every day I get closer to Eck’s idea of a purge. Except I’m coming to the conclusion it should be an echt purge. One with 4 a.m. knocks and Lubyankas and people being shot in a ditch. It’s only fair. These people would do it to me, given half the chance. Given half the chance, they have done it to people like me (q.v. Raskulachivanie, Cultural Revolution, Khmer Rouge).

  27. I can’t even muster a “fuck off” for this one.

    Who cares how some fag dresses skinny women for the benefit of rich, fat women (and other fags) who won’t wear his runway stuff anyway.

    Next outrage, please.

  28. @Watchman

    If you do want a unique hairstyle, as far as I know only the Normans thought wearing the front of the hair long and shaving the back and sides was a good look though.

    To prove that there are only so many hairstyles in the world, have a look at the bottom of Wikipedia’s article on the Kom people of Manipur, a tribe of Zo (Kuki-Chin-Mizo) Tibeto-Burman hill people living in India. Sure enough, the boys have a traditional haircut that is long at the front, shaved on the back and sides…

  29. I feel like that last comment of mine actually deserves a prize of some sort.

    Perhaps there should be a “Cultural Appropriation Game”, where one player names a cultural trend or innovation and names one society it is associated with, and the other players have to name different societies which developed the same cultural idea either earlier or independently, with bonus marks for geographic or temporal distance from the originally named society.

  30. So Much For Subtlety

    To paraphrase the little clothes designer’s own defence, I will totally opposed White women appropriating dreadlocks when African-origin women give up straightening their hair.

    Everyone else on the planet wants to look White. They should stop it. Because racism or something.

  31. Dear Cunts,

    This is western civilisation, where cultural appropriation is appropriate. If you don’t like it, there are many other options.

    Now fuck off.

  32. @TMB “Forgive my being dense but whence this business of Longrider’s appearance. Have I missed a thread?”

    I said I quite liked the idea of forcedly shearing male pony tails, mullets, man buns etc and the silly cunt pretended an anonymous internet twat (ie me) making a plainly idle joke was akin to international coverage of SJWs and their weird cultural appropriation shite. I know, mad. He further pretended to be outraged – outraged, I tell you! – because he has hair like the Quo, or something.

  33. Ah, thanks – I got the first post here but assumed wrongly that there must have been something earlier elsewhere but anyway what’s with the No2s? Is this people who rub poo into their scalp? i shouldn’t like that very much, especially on public transport.

  34. Yes I was. Your move.

    People who make “jokes” about violent physical assault say more about their own prejudices than they do about the subject of their joke”. No, you weren’t joking, you were telling us exactly what was going on in your tiny, bigoted little mind and you assumed that others would clap along at your “joke” like a bunch of demented sea lions. It wasn’t a joke, it wasn’t funny and your immediate resort to the ad hominem when told where you could put it confirmed it

    And *he’s* not saying that it would be appropriate to use force against you to make you conform to his wishes,

    Er, yes, he was doing precisely that:

    …and would be quite happy to cut around the place freelance shearing every fucker I see with them. Ditto mullets, male pony tails, and frankly male shoulder length hair like your own. No2s all round.

    Seriously, what the flying fuck is that if not a suggestion that people be forced to comply with his preferred style? And when rightly told to fuck off, responded as bullies always do when challenged; he tried to pass it off as a “joke”. Well, I don’t find physical assault funny, do you? What other types of assault shall we joke about? My ribs are cracking already just thinking about it.

    As I said later, social conservatives are as much the enemy of liberty as the SJW crowd, because, like them, given the power, they will use force to make others conform.

  35. Pingback: Interested in Sartorial Elegance – Longrider

  36. @John77 Bullshit. I’ve held down plenty of responsible jobs in my time and for most of my adult life have worn my hair shoulder length. Yes, I am aware that employment law allows sexist dress codes based upon “traditional” appearance for men and women. I simply refuse to work for such moronic dinosaurs. And anyone who makes judgements on others based upon such facile considerations as hair length is a drooling idiot and I judge them accordingly.

    No organisation has ever had a negative commercial impact because a male employee wore his hair below his collar – this is merely social conservative claptrap.

    As it is, I’m successfully self-employed and no one gets to tell me how to wear my hair. No one.

  37. I said I quite liked the idea of forcedly shearing male pony tails, mullets, man buns etc and the silly cunt pretended an anonymous internet twat (ie me) making a plainly idle joke was akin to international coverage of SJWs and their weird cultural appropriation shite. I know, mad. He further pretended to be outraged – outraged, I tell you! – because he has hair like the Quo, or something.

    No, I told you to fuck off, which is the appropriate response to morons who come up with such fuckwittery. And like all the other arseholes who come up with this shit, you tried to pass it off as a joke. Fuckwit.

  38. I seem to recall Longrider got his ID / handle faked on here a while back?

    Is that what’s happening again, the comments (responses to Interested etc) don’t “smell” right at all?

  39. OK… I’m wrong, as I’ve just spotted the “ping back” (unless the website’s also been hacked)!

    Longrider, I’m surprised, but more at the continued perserverance! Maybe you don’t read on here as much as you suggest, or one might (unless American) spot variations of (sometimes borderline) dry humour, and which happens all the time on here.

    It was certainly the way I took it, knowing Interested’s style. Look at his initial response to JuliaM if you’re not sure..!?

  40. I just popped back because I felt, like you, that there was something odd about this and had a residual memory that there was something slightly unusual about Longrider that he had chosen to share previously with readers here or elsewhere and which might help understand the outburst.

    Perhaps we should just visit Cranmer when things get too heated here?

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