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Very silly indeed

Microwaves in Britain generate as much carbon dioxide as more than one million cars, scientists have concluded as they call on people to use the ovens more efficiently.


Over and above the mistake already pointed out (comparing total life emissions for microwave ovens to cars only in direct use) two more.

1) How much CO2 they produce in use, the thing that we are told we should be more careful about, depends upon the inputs into the electricity generation system. As is true of electric cars or electric trains.

2) What’s the opportunity cost? Or in this case, perhaps opportunity benefit? What would be the emissions from having hot and or cooked food – a pretty reasonable human desire – without microwave ovens?

10 thoughts on “Very silly indeed”

  1. Bloke in North Dorset

    There is one theory of human development that it was learning to cook that led to man becoming the dominant species. The idea is that its easier to digest most foods when when they’ve been cooked and that left more calories for brain development.

    Perhaps this is all part of the continuing efforts of greenies to impoverish us all and return to caveman status?

  2. Aside from the statistical buggery (28 million microwaves vs 1 million cars, total life of microwave vs car running cost, etc)…

    A 750W microwave for a few minutes compared to a 3kW oven running for 2 hours, or burning gas for hours, or burning wood. or driving a car for minutes. No, microwaves are not something to worry about.

    I assume the writers have got rid of their own microwaves as a result of this survey.

  3. I keep an eye on the Telegraph subscription offers and if they give me something I want I may push the button. They have previously offered Amazon Echos at lower subscription cost than the purchase price of the goods and now they are offering Fitbits also cheaper. I already have 3 Echos and I don’t want a Fitbit so still waiting.

  4. Bloke in Costa Rica

    Microwave ovens don’t generate any fucking carbon dioxide at all, you stupid, stupid cunts. And who are these fucking “scientists”? I suppose they’d rather we cooked everything over camel shit fires and died of emphysema. Cunts.

  5. The idea is that its easier to digest most foods when when they’ve been cooked and that left more calories for brain development.

    That explains the vegans, then.

  6. I suppose they’d rather we cooked everything over camel shit fires and died of emphysema.

    I’ll have you know that a raw carrot contains all the nutrients the human body needs. Honest!

  7. scientists have concluded as they call on people to use [microwave] ovens more efficiently

    How? It’s not like one forgets to turn it off after heating/cooking or running it when empty. Also, unless one enjoys burning food and binning it, cooking for too long is unlikely.

    More useless “science” funded by taxpayers.

    Note: I’ve been using microwave ovens since late 1960s. Current microwave oven (Toshiba) in ~daily use purchased 1990

  8. @Bloke in North Dorset, January 18, 2018 at 10:26 am

    There is one theory of human development that it was learning to cook that led to man becoming the dominant species. The idea fact is that its easier to digest most foods when when they’ve been cooked

    FTFY – one proof was feeding large snakes cooked vs raw meat.

  9. Bloke in North Dorset


    The theory I was talking about was the one about it leading to us being the dominant species.

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