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Men really will accept unfair deals from attractive women

My word, that really is a surprise, isn’t it?

No one who employs salespeople has ever figured this out at all.

Beautiful women really do get away with more, according to a new scientific study that looked at how men responded to financial offers associated with a range of female faces.
Chinese psychologists found that men were more likely to accept an unfair offer if it came from a beautiful woman, according to the paper published in Frontiers of Neuroscience.

They’ll be saying something extreme like men think about sex a lot soon enough.

24 thoughts on “D’Oh”

  1. Surreptitious Evil

    Obviously, a more interesting test would be to see how people respond to an attractive sales-weasel of the same sex. And how that differs, if at all, between men and women.

    Controlling for “teh gay”, as appropriate.

  2. @Surreptitious Evil – suspect women keep their heads better during bargaining; a lot of evidence that on average they’re less motivated by the prospect of a quick bunk-up.

    I wonder if you’d find evidence that it does apply in longer-term working/sales relationships though

  3. SE

    Chris Dillow had a piece up – actually a few – where he discussed the greater returns to looks compared to intellect. Interestingly the returns for good looking men were even higher than those for good looking women.

  4. So Much for Subtlety

    Hard to explain a lot of marriages where she always gets her way.

    Clearly we need legislation to redress this injustice. I suggest plastic surgery. Not as barbaric as acid, but there is no way that someone ought to get a better deal in life just because they are beautiful. So mar those faces now!

  5. @Andrew M,

    Vonnegut set Harrison Bergeron in 2081. I wonder if he wrote it now, would it be set in 2021 ?

  6. My wife has obviously taken this to heart.

    She keeps shouting “Yes, Yes, Yes” during our encounters, and I’d assumed it was something I was doing.

  7. So Much for Subtlety

    Andrew M – “Haven’t you read Harrison Bergeron?”

    I am a sucker for a happy ending. That is “A Boy and His Dog” are my favourites.

    Squander Two – “”

    What is the point? Even if you sign the contract, if she changes her mind half way through, and you take 30 seconds to realise it, you go to jail.

  8. Another output from the stating the bleeding obvious department.

    How do you get on that gravy train. I have a few announcements to make that should get me a few quid.

  9. Philip Scott Thomas

    suspect women keep their heads better during bargaining

    I’m not so sure Ellen Pao would agree with that…

  10. “Men really will accept unfair deals from attractive women”

    Should we surmise from this, and the fact that she has had jobs writing about economics, that Heidi Moore is attractive and her editors male?

  11. S2,

    “Off topic (though not that far):”

    About as sexy as Spanx. Seriously, you’re in a club and a girl pulls you into the ladies for a quick one. Are you going kill the momentum by telling her that you need a pen and paper to sign a contract?

    I know this puts me in Team Evil, but women need to consider more where they put themselves. I don’t go walking around Toxteth wearing a Rolex. Legally, I should have the right to, but in the real world, you’d be mad to.

  12. Many years ago I and one of my male business partners were having a quick bite at a McDonald’s. We saw a very beautiful, well kept and well dressed woman sitting alone and eating a hamburger.

    Tom asked what the hell she was doing there. I was a bit thick and didn’t get it. Then he asked me if I would drop what I was doing and take the woman for an expensive lunch were she to walk up to me and ask me to.

    Rule 1: Hot babes do as they please and men will do nothing and pretend they enjoy it. That’s why so many hot babes are socialist idiots and other types of idiot.

    The first corollary: Hot babes want for nothing – each has thousands of men willing to give her anything she wishes.

  13. What’s the betting that “Chinese psychologists” turns out to be a couple of PhD students?

  14. A lot of truth in this. Many years ago I hired a very attractive Dutch woman into the structured finance department of the investment bank I was working for at the time. She was bright but didn’t have the technical background usually required for the business, but we needed someone to liaise with (100% male) clients while deals were being done. Business prospered immediately, but it all fell apart when the head of the investment bank took a fancy to her, married her and kept her at home…..

  15. The last line of the article shows that the author really doesn’t get it after all:

    “given the subjects’ tendency to accept less advantageous offers without even the chance of a date.”

    Attractive women (and men) are attractive because they’re nice to look at. There is genuine pleasure to be derived from merely observing them. Of course sexual desire is involved, but it’s not a case of ‘this person is useless to me unless I have sex with them’. It’s more often a case of ‘I’d like to have sex with this person, but that’s not going to happen, so I’ll just enjoy looking at them.’

  16. women with money or influence do quite well.
    Remember the old marriage advert – “send picture of tractor”

  17. So Much for Subtlety

    Jon Jermey – “Attractive women (and men) are attractive because they’re nice to look at. There is genuine pleasure to be derived from merely observing them.”

    I have in the past got stuck on a lot of long distance flights to horrible places with a lot of hot and humid weather. With some long waits in fairly good airports. It is much less stressful to fly on an Asian airline that employs pretty, petite, polite young women I am never going to have sex with, than on one that employs angry, stressed 40+ women that actually I would probably have half way to almost having a chance with.

    It shouldn’t, but it is. If you can, always fly Cathay or JAL.

    john malpas – “women with money or influence do quite well.”

    I suspect there is nothing worse for a woman than having money or fame:

    I would not use the word “psychopath” lightly, but there was a recent biography of the man. I recommend it.

  18. Stig,

    > Seriously, you’re in a club and a girl pulls you into the ladies for a quick one.

    Your encounters are not like my encounters.

    > Are you going kill the momentum by telling her that you need a pen and paper to sign a contract?

    What I find interesting about this is that you’re right: it’s the men who’ll be insisting on the contract, because it’s there to protect men. It will never protect a single woman from an actual rape, because rapists are (duh) rapists. It serves only to protect men. In the name of feminism. Weird. But, anyway, in my experience, women quite like romance. Women are going to find that their wonderful moments of seduction are being completely ruined. All those tales of that magical first time with the man of her dreams: destroyed. By feminists. I reckon that could cause a backlash. I predict a sexually confident feminist “I don’t need no fucking contract” movement. (Actually, that’s a pretty good slogan, if I do say so myself.)

    I know this puts me in Team Evil, but women need to consider more where they put themselves. I don’t go walking around Toxteth wearing a Rolex. Legally, I should have the right to, but in the real world, you’d be mad to.

    I don’t get that whole thing. Advising someone to be careful is not the same as blaming them when they’re not. The feminist position seems to be that I should not give my daughters any sensible advice about not walking around alone through a crime-ridden estate wearing hot-pants at midnight, so that I can make loud noises about how they’re not to blame after they’ve been raped. Call me crazy, but I’d rather be arguing that they wouldn’t be to blame if, hypothetically, they were raped. And I’m pretty sure they would too.

    And where did this idea come from that only women get this sort of advice and that it only relates to rape? Men don’t walk alone in dodgy areas at night either (unless they’re the ones making it dodgy). There are posters up in the Tube telling you not to walk out looking at your mobile because it makes you an easy target. Where’s the outrage about that?

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