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So Trump was right then?

For example, Trump wrongly stated that “the Democratic National Committee was totally open to be hacked. They did a very poor job. … And they tried to hack the Republican National Committee, and they were unable to break through.”

Baloney.FBI Director James B. Comey said there was evidence that Republican National Committee computers were also targeted. The critical difference, according to Comey, was that none of the information obtained from the RNC was leaked. Also, according to Comey, the Russians “got far deeper and wider into the [DNC] than the RNC,” adding that “similar techniques were used in both cases.”

31 thoughts on “So Trump was right then?”

  1. Mal Reynolds (Serenity)

    “Trump was wrong that the DNC did a worse job than the RNC” + “the same techniques got far deeper and wider into the DNC”.

    At one point the news tried to lag their contradictions over a week or two. Now they write them barely a few sentences apart. No matter how low you think people’s trust of the news has dropped, the news orgs are determined to push it even lower. They’ve chucked out the spades and brought in the industrial diggers.

  2. Further evidence that Russia was trying to infiltrate both camps equally, rather than merely supporting Trump.

    It makes me wonder who is behind the media’s Russia-bashing. Who is desperately trying to keep Russia at bay? It can’t be Israel, the usual suspect – can it?

  3. They got dirt on both only DNC was leaked as they were helping Trump pretty simple. You need to know your enemies and friends.

  4. A staggering amount of outright lying in that article. If there was a single piece that made me go from amused neutrality to wearing a MAGA hat it would be this.

    Opening press conferences to a wider range of publications is not excluding the press from the White House. 46% of voters went for Trump, so if a wider press pack gets closer to that then fair enough.
    “Trump wrongly stated that “the Democratic National Committee was totally open to be hacked.” then:
    “according to Comey, the Russians “got far deeper and wider into the [DNC] than the RNC”
    He quotes Trump: “I have no deals that could happen in Russia, because we’ve stayed away. And I have no loans with Russia.”
    “In a 2008 speech, Donald Trump Jr. said “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” and “we see a lot of money pouring in from Russia.””
    This is a 3rd hand quote, but the it is entirely clear that Trump jnr is talking about selling apartments to Russians, not deals in Russia.
    Finally: ““They are the opposition party,” said the senior official. “I want ‘em out of the building. We are taking back the press room.”” Bullshit made up quote. Fuck you.

    SJWs always lie. They are fucking scum, every last one of them.

    Trump, oaf that he is, is a fucking angel compared to Reich and the hordes of cunts like him.

  5. Yet everyone who writes about hacking with an appearance of expertise assures me that it’s not possible to identify who an expert hacker is.

    It wasn’t a million years ago that Obama, on the word presumably of the “Intelligence Community”, said that the hacking of one of the Hollywood studios had been done by N Korea. It later transpired (didn’t it?) that the stuff was leaked by a disgruntled employee.

  6. dearieme,

    “Yet everyone who writes about hacking with an appearance of expertise assures me that it’s not possible to identify who an expert hacker is.”

    It’s a stream of bytes generated by a program that will ALWAYS be the same if the parameters are the same. There’s really no forensics. It’s not like someone breaking into a physical building and leaving a fingerprint or a fibre or some trace. You’re crafting exactly what comes down the line. At best, you can then determine the location of where it was sent, but FSB guys aren’t exactly doing it from the basement of the Kremlin.

    Or, you can see that this stream was written by the same program as this stream. But that doesn’t tell you much. Because that’s probably using some malware that’s open to the world accessible from IRC channels somewhere.

    But let’s say the Russians can craft an attack to get past a firewall and through an Exchange server. Why are they going to use that ridiculously valuable hack against the fucking DNC?

    Face facts though. The FBI haven’t even had access to the physical server. So, how do they even know it’s Russia? Traffic from Russia on the firewall logs? Yes, we all get lots of that. Malware attacks in the firewall logs? Again, yes. lots of that. It’s total bollocks.

  7. Bloke in Costa Rica

    Yes, the fact that the DNC refused the FBI access to their machines to do any forensics basically makes the whole story worthless. It won’t stop the US media from bigging up the story, of course, but it should give pause to anyone who isn’t completely in the tank.

  8. Most hacking consists of blunt force attacks such as phishing idiots like Podesta, charming a secretary out of a password or burglarizing a house to steal a computer or laptop full of unencrypted information.

    To my own horror I discovered my wife’s smartphone was unprotected and had a password installed TeamViewer link to our main computer. Even worse, I’m the dummy who had her phone memorize the TeamViewer password.

    There almost no computer nerds or techies in some basement doing “cyber attacks”. Far easier to steal a cell phone from the wife of a dolt.

  9. Bloke in Wiltshire

    if you didn’t know already – DNS email was run by….


    The idea that Mountain View folk don’t know what happened with the email strikes me as stretching it… Alphabet Exec chairman Eric Schmidt was a prominent Democrat supporter as far as I can see.

    They know who dunnit – and it’s likely not convenient – embarrassing even… to reveal what actually happened.

  10. chris collins – If the Republicans had anything worth leaking on Trump they would probably have done it themselves in order to prevent him being the candidate.

    tomo – I thought it was just spirit cooking, pizza enthusiast John Podesta that had his gmail broken into?(through phishing) If Craig Murray is to be believed the DNC leak was whistleblowing through physical handover of the data to him.

  11. Mal Reynolds (Serenity)

    @Gareth: that’s a very key point. Trump was never the RNC’s favoured candidate, the idea that they had significant dirt on him, that they did not release, that the Russians found just beggars belief. Do people not have memories that last longer than 6 months? The RNC was not pushing for Trump, they were not rigging things for Trump, they did not want Trump.

  12. ‘Tyrants don’t allow open questioning, and they hate the free press. They want total control.

    That’s why, according to three senior officials on the transition team, the incoming Trump administration is considering evicting the White House press corps from the press room inside the White House and moving them – and news conferences – to a conference center or to the Old Executive Office Building.’

    This is too stupid. They are moving because, ‘Tyrants don’t allow open questioning, and they hate the free press. They want total control.’ Not closing, moving. ‘Three senior officials on the transition team’ agree that they are moving because, ‘Tyrants don’t allow open questioning, and they hate the free press. They want total control.’

    ‘Three senior officials on the transition team’

    We are to believe they would say any such thing to Reich or whomever? Absurd. No names given; no information on when/where conversations allegedly occurred.

    Only actually named source, Spicer, says, ‘it’s because the new administration would like a larger room to allow more members of the press to attend press conferences.’

    Reich is incoherent, and Salon is happy to publish it. Salon is exploiting the insane.

  13. Gamecock,
    the transition team will consist of outgoing people and incoming people (old people showing the new people where the kettle/toilets/light switches are).
    One can safely assume that these ‘Three senior officials’ are part of the outgoing team.

    The DNC servers could very well have been open on the internet to any skiddie or state actor but the fact is that the data leak was a walkout, probably a Berner ($53 for a TB HD from Walmart and a Windows unsecured USB port)

    Podesta was slurped, the NSA has the date, time, destination IP and any hops within 5 eyes till it disappears under the horizon, there is no indication that the slurpers were state affiliated (but they admit that it unlikely that the NSA were the only ones to copy it in transit).

    This is smoke.

    If the players who cracked Hatton Garden had photocopied pictures stolen from one of the boxes of a High Court Judge having sex with a young boy and posted them on trees in Regents Park, would we be discussing the illegality of the robbery or the data revealed ?

  14. ‘One can safely assume that these ‘Three senior officials’ are part of the outgoing team.’

    Then what they say is just partisan hackery. Why would Reich tell the world that Trump is bad because Obama people say he’s bad? As I said, Reich is incoherent.

  15. The problem GCHQ/NSA/ all the others including Russia/China/Israel/etc. have got is trying to sort out what is real traffic and what is fake.

    Stuxnet spun centrifuges at out of bounds tolerances whilst reporting in tolerance results (to crash the kit).

    Supposing the Russians knew about it, because they cracked the NSA long before Snowden, and told the Iranians who staged the crash that led to the US removing sanctions ?

    How do the TLA know that no one is injecting sewage into the fat input pipe they analyse and how could they possibly see anybody injecting well constructed crap into their output streams ?

  16. GC,

    whilst the contents of what he is spouting may be ‘incoherent’, he hitched his star to Obama, of course he is upset, he can see his career phizzling out like a penny rocket, these are the last desperate flounderings of a drowning man. His selfish greed becomes more apparent with his every outburst.

    First he shouted ‘What about the poor people’ whilst thinking about himself, and the poor people saw through him, he was not one of them.

    Then he shouted ‘What about the middle classes’ whilst thinking only of himself, and the middle classes shunned him, he did not hold their values.

    Finally he shouted ‘What about the privileged’ that he considered himself part of, and they said ‘Who the fuck are you ?’

    I would let loose an Eksian Purge upon his kind but I think the Lefties will get there first.

  17. So Much For Subtlety

    dearieme – “All is well. Chelsea Manning is to be released. Providing illicit info to Wikileaks is OK after all”

    God Obama is such a sh!t. He wasn’t brave enough to do this while he was actually in power. When he might have to answer questions. To make the case that betraying American security to the Russians and everyone else was just fine. No, he waits until he has three days to go and then sneaks it in.

    Worst President ever.

  18. So Much For Subtlety

    BobRocket – “If the players who cracked Hatton Garden had photocopied pictures stolen from one of the boxes of a High Court Judge having sex with a young boy and posted them on trees in Regents Park, would we be discussing the illegality of the robbery or the data revealed ?”


  19. Bloke in Costa Rica

    Bradley Manning only hurt the US. The phishers hurt the Democrats. One is trivial, the other is high treason.

  20. Poppycock. This was a leak from a Bernie supporter disgusted by the dishonest rigging of the primaries. All this rubbish about Russia is just the Democrats screeching ‘Squirrel’ to distract from the fact that Hillary is a soulless grifter and that they were chumps for running her.

  21. Thank you BiCR for making sense of the briefly scanned morning headlines to me. Chelsea is the artist formerly known as Bradley. As Celine Dion would say, it’s all coming back to me now!

  22. Diogenes–No need to cover for Rolf–cos on the basis of the shite that was served up against him as “evidence” he hasn’t done anything. Apart from be a sad example that blubbering bullshit legal theatre ( and Saville/Yewtree hysteria) beats logic and ” innocent until proven guilty” hands down.

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